After they ate together,Jesus told His disciples,"Tonight, you will abandonMe." "Not me!" said Peter,boldly. "I will never leaveYou, Jesus."Jesus sighed. "Before therooster crows to greet themorning, you will say,three times, that you don’tknow Me." "I'll die with Youbefore I do that!" Petersaid.
晚餐后,耶稣对门徒说:今天晚上,你们都将离弃我。” “我不会彼得自信地说。主啊我决不会离弃你。耶稣叹息着说:今天晚上鸡叫以前,你会三次不认我。” “我就算和你一起死,也不会不认你彼得说。

 When they came to theGarden of Gethsemane,Jesus asked His disciples topray with Him. Thedisciples were tired. They fell asleep. Jesus prayedalone to the Father.

Jesus knew His enemieswanted Him dead. He alsoknew that dying was God'splan for Him. "Show meanother way," He prayed."Otherwise, I will do whatyou ask."

Suddenly, a light shone.There was shouting, andeveryone woke up! Anangry crowd approached,sent by the religiousleaders. Judas kissed Jesusto show them which manto arrest.
"I'm the one you're lookingfor," said Jesus. When Hesaid this, they drew backand fell to the ground. Thenthey grabbed Jesus andtook Him to the religiousleaders.

Most of Jesus' disciplesfled, but Peter followedbehind. He waited in acourtyard to see whatwould happen. "Weren'tyou with Jesus?" someoneasked. Frightened, Petersaid, "No!"Two other people asked thesame thing. "You'rewrong!" Peter said. "I don’teven know Jesus!" Peterdenied Jesus three times.When he heard the roostercrow, he wept bitterly.