David became a great king.Then his son Solomon reigned. After Solomon died, God's people had many bad kings. King Ahab was one of the worst. His wife, Jezebel, worshipped the false god, Baal.

Jezebel persuaded Ahab and God's people to worship Baal, too. Because of their sins, God stopped the rain for several years. Then He sent His prophet, Elijah, to King Ahab.

You have disobeyed God and worshipped Baal,” Elijah said.Tell everyone, including the prophets of Baal, to meet me on Mount Carmel. I will prove who the true God is!Everyone gathered on the mountain. Then Elijah said to the people, Make up your mind! If the Lord is God, follow Him. However, if Baal proves himself today, follow him.
“你不听从上帝的命令,去拜巴力,”以利亚对亚哈王说,“你要让所有人,包括巴力的先知们,去迦密山见我。我要证明谁才是真的上帝!”所有人都聚集在迦密山上。以利亚对人们说:“你们拿定主意吧!如果耶和华是上帝,就顺从耶和华。如果巴力能证明他是上帝,就顺从巴力。 ”

Baal's prophets and I will each kill a bull, place it on an altar, and pray. The god that sends fire to burn up the bull is the true God!”  Baal's prophets went first. They prayed to Baal all morning. No fire came. Maybe Baal is sleeping,Elijah laughed.  Shout louder!So Baal's prophets shouted all afternoon. Still, nothing happened.
Elijah built an altar. He put the bull and the wood on it. He dug a ditch around it. Then he had water poured over everything until the ditch was full! Elijah prayed. Immediately fire fell from heaven! It burned up the bull, the wood, the stones, and the water! The people bowed down and cried, The Lord is God!"