Israel's first king was named Saul. King Saul did not obey God. So God said to Samuel, the prophet," Find a man named Jesse, one of his sons will be the new king."
Samuel found Jesse in Bethlehem. He looked at seven of Jesse's sons. They looked handsome and strong. "Not them,"  God said. "I don't care about looks. I care about what's in a person's heart. "Jesse sent for his youngest son, David, who was tending sheep in the fields. Samuel saw him and God said, "He is the one!" So David was anointed the new king.
撒母耳在伯利恒找到了耶西。他见过了耶西的七个儿子。他们个个都英俊强壮。但是上帝说:“不是他们。我看人不是看外表,而是看他的内心。” 耶西打发人去叫他最小的儿子,就是大卫,他那时正在野地里放羊。撒母耳看见了大卫,上帝就说:“就是他!” 于是撒母耳用油膏立大卫,预示大卫以后将取代扫罗成为新的王。
Sometime later, Israel fought the Philistines. A giant Philistine soldier called Goliath challenged the Israelites to send a champion to fight him. But the Israelites were all too afraid.
David brought food to his brothers in the army. He heard Goliath's challenge and was not afraid. "How dare he defy God's army?" asked David. "I will fight him!" Surprised, King Saul offered David his armor. "No," said David. "God helped me kill wild beasts. He will help me against
Goliath, too!" David took five stones and a sling.
这时,大卫来绐他在军营中的哥哥们送吃的。他听到了歌利亚的挑战,但不害怕。大卫说:“歌利亚竟然敢藐视上帝的军队?我要去打败他!” 扫罗王虽然吃惊,但允许了大卫,并要把他的盔甲给大卫穿上。“不用,” 大卫说。“上帝帮助我杀死过野兽,也一定会帮助我打败歌利亚!”大卫拿着五块石子和一个弹弓就上了战场
"Am I a dog?" Goliath roared. "You send this stick of a boy to fight me!" "You have a spear," said David, "but I have the help of Israel's God!" David put a stone into the sling and threw it. It struck Goliath's forehead and knocked him down. The Israelites defeated the Philistines. With God's help, David was a hero!
