
Jacob had twelve sons, but he loved his son Joseph the most. He gave Joseph a special, brightly colored coat. Joseph's brothers were jealous of him. They hated him.
Joseph also had special dreams. "In my dream, we were tying up bundles of wheat," he said, "and your bundles bowed down to mine!" Joseph's brothers hated him even more.Joseph had another dream. "The sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down before me." His father and brothers grumbled. "Are you saying you will rule over us?"
One day, Joseph's brothers were in the fields watching their sheep. They saw him coming to see them. They planned to kill him and put an end to all his dreams.
 "It would be wrong to kill our brother," said Reuben. "Let's throw him in this empty well." So they tore off Joseph's special coat and threw him into the well.lshmaelite traders came by on their way to Egypt. "Let's sell Joseph as a slave to the lshmaelites!" suggested Judah. So the brothers sold Joseph for twenty pieces of silver.
The brothers dipped Joseph's coat in goat's blood and showed it to Jacob." My son is dead!" he wept. Meanwhile, Joseph was taken to Egypt. But God was with Joseph.
In Egypt, the lshmaelites sold Joseph to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh's captains. God blessed Joseph and made him successful. Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his whole household.