
我们不妨把镜头拉得远一些,跳出外语学习,来看看我们的母语是怎样“习得”的。“习得”的英文说法是acquire,跟“学会” (learn)不同。我们自己在很小的时候,从不会发声到牙牙学语,从第一次说出来“妈妈”“爸爸”,到能够小大人似的说得头头是道,我们所做的是在把说话变成习惯,这就是“习得”的过程。“习得”之后,是“自然”的表达:我们说母语的时候通常不会边说边考虑句子的结构、用什么词等等,母语的表达已经成为了我们自己的一部分。
All children acquire language in the same way, regardless of what language they use or the number of languages they use. Acquiring a language is like learning to play a game. Children must learn the rules of the language game, for example how to articulate words and how to put them together in ways that are acceptable to the people around them. 
All human beings, young and old, follow two kinds of learning strategy. One, drawing on physical ability, is that we learn in stages (we make sure we can walk before we run). The other, drawing on intellectual ability, is that we generalize from past experience (if you see an insect that you never saw before and that looks like a cockroach you're likely to think it may be a cockroach). 
The basic insight that we gain from children's developing pronunciation is that there are difficult sounds and easy sounds, and difficult and easy distinctions between sounds. We can tell which are which by looking at what children do, because children cannot articulate what their vocal tracts are not developed enough to tackle yet. We can for example safely conclude that, for the 'fis-phenomenon' child above, the sound at the end of the word fish is more difficult than the sound at the end of the word fis. 
Children start using speech sounds when they start babbling. The sounds that they use in babbling are easy sounds and these will be the sounds children will use in their first utterances too. Children usually replace difficult sounds with sounds that are easier for them to articulate, or they may drop difficult sounds altogether. They may call Sam 'Tam', for example, and they may want to 'pee' potatoes with a potato-'peewah', or ask you why strawberries are 'wed' and not 'boo'.
儿童做发音练习,是从“牙牙学语”开始的。(顺便说一下,中文成语“牙牙学语”十分形象地描绘了孩子咿咿呀呀地学大人说话的样子) 这时发出的声音是比较容易发出来的声音。到儿童第一次说话的时候,也会先发这些声音。在遇到难发的声音时,他们也会用容易发的声音代替,或者干脆不发出来。比如会把Sam叫成Tam,用 potato-“peewah” 来 “pee” 土豆,还会问你这草莓为什么 “wed”。
Although sounds tend to be acquired in the same order across languages, we should keep in mind that different children may find different sounds easier or more difficult: each child will have their own individual learning strategies. The important thing is that there is progress in their development. Children's spontaneous play also shows a progression from gross to sophisticated control over their body: they usually start by hitting toys, and hitting things with toys, because it's easier to do this whilst fine motor skills have yet to be acquired.
This is also why in virtually all languages the baby-words for 'mummy' and 'daddy' sound very similar. It's not that the children 'know' the words for mum and dad, it's simply that these are the kinds of words that children can say (they say them to us, to the cat, to their toys, to themselves), but parents decided to believe that the children are calling them 'by name', and so reinforced the children's use of these words to them from time immemorial! 
Vowels (the sounds usually spelt a, e, i, o, u in English) are easier than consonants and are generally learned first. This is because vowels are the sounds that carry, and that we therefore perceive most clearly. If you want to shout for someone named Eve or Archibald you prolong the vowels in their names, not the consonants. 
下面我们看一下元音和辅音的分别。元音(比如英语中的a、e、i、o、u)比辅音要容易很多,也最先学会。一个原因是,元音通常传播得远,从而被清晰地听到。比如说,你要喊Eve这样的人名,就会拖长名字中的元音e /i:/,而不会拖长辅音/v/。
So children are likely to go through some stage where all or most vowels are target-like in their speech, but all or most consonants may still be funny. Since consonants are no piece of cake for developing mouths, it becomes clear that words containing several consonants in a row are young children's worst nightmare. English is particularly child-unfriendly, in that it has words like splash, with three consonants at the beginning, or like texts, with four at the end (the letter x represents two sounds, 'k' and 's'). 
If your child is bilingual in a tricky language like English and a straightforward one like Hawai'ian, where only single consonants are allowed before vowels, you shouldn't be surprised if she sounds right in Hawai'ian much earlier than in English. Or if a proud Hawai'ian parent tells you that his monolingual children started 'speaking much earlier' than all the English monolingual children he knows. It's the languages' fault, not the children's. 
This same strategy also accounts for why children leave out certain words and not others in their utterances. They may say things like 'Mummy big glass table' but not 'My on if the'. These are two quite different types of words, the former being more salient to children because they carry stress in connected speech, and therefore much easier to perceive and produce.  
我们也可以理解,为什么孩子说话的时候会省略一些词、保留一些词。比如会说“Mummy big glass table”但不说“My on if the”。这里有两种不同的词,前面这种词小孩子会觉得更明显、更突出,因为在连续说话当中,这些词是重读的,从而更容易被听到、再复述出来。

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