总之,从篇到段到句再到词的目的都会考到。因此,我们把目的题分为了四类,分别是:篇章目的;段落目的; 信息目的和修辞目的。下面我们就这四类目的题的题干特点,考题原理和答题技巧分别加以讲解。
篇章目的 (passage)
题干特点:The main/primary purpose of the passage is to
Introduction --- abstract --- experiment design --- results ---- application ---limitation
了解科技文这条基本主线的目的是让我们能够很快定位我们要找的那句主旨句在哪里。科技及社科文章写的基本都是某个关于什么的研究,所以主旨句一般会出现在abstract摘要段的“某某大学的谁在什么时候做了一个关于什么的研究” 这一句话中。所以我们只要找出这句话,进行大致的同义转写,这道题基本就解了。我们来看一些例子:
1.The main purpose of the passage is to
A. analyze competing theories about the lava sequences that formed the Mariana Trench.
B. explain how a recent study contributes to scientists' understanding of the origins of tectonic plates.
C. summarize a series of studies conducted on the subject of subduction.
D. recount the discoveries of the Mariana Trench and of the Nuwuagittuq greenstone belt.
A journey to the Mariana Trench, the deepest crevice on Earth’s surface, reveals the great Pacific tectonic plate descending deep into the planet where it recycles back into mantle rock. This recycling of old tectonic plate, called subduction, drives plate tectonics and is nothing new to scientists, but exactly when the process got started is a hot debate. A new study may put that to rest by unmasking a sequence of 4.4-billion-year-old lavas as the remnants of the first subduction zone on Earth. If correct, the discovery marks the dawn of plate tectonics and thus several geological processes critical to Earth’s environment and perhaps even its life. (2016-03-U.S.)
解析:这一段包含了两个内容,一是研究的引子,即引入话题部分;二是文章的主旨句,总的说明文章做的什么研究。所以划线部分的那句一个新的研究怎么样了就是这篇文章的主旨,所以全文目的就是来介绍这个新的研究的,答案是B。其中a recent study是a new study的同义转写,understanding of the origins of tectonic plates是dawn of plate tectonics的转写,其实这题并不难,因为其他选项根本没提到这句后面的关键词plate tectonics,所以只有B。
2. The main purpose of the passage is to
A. discuss how metaphors are used in depictions of crime.
B. demonstrate how metaphors shape people’s perceptions.
C. illustrate how metaphors can undermine social policies.
D. show how metaphors can be used to enhance storytelling.
That is the power of metaphor —a power so subtle we barely notice how much it impacts our thinking, Researchers Paul Thibodeau and Lera Boroditsky from Stanford University demonstrated how influential metaphors can be through a series of five experiments designed to tease apart the “why” and “when” of a metaphor’s power. (2017-03-U.S.)
解析:从这个选段我们不难看出,第一段在举例说明什么是power of metaphor,而此段在写做了什么实验,来研究什么。根据这段的impact our thinking我们不难选出B。
The main purpose of the first/second/third… paragraph is to
3. The main purpose of the fifth paragraph (lines 57-65) is to
A. relate Maguire’s study of mental athletes to her study of taxi drivers.
B. speculate on the reason for Maguire’s unexpected results.
C. identify an important finding of Maguire’s study of mental athletes.
D. transition from a summary of Maguire’s findings to a description of her methods.
But there was one telling difference between the brains of the mental athletes and the control subjects: When the researchers looked at which parts of the brain were lighting up when the mental athletes were memorizing, they found that they were activating entirely different circuitry. According to the functional MRIs [fMRIs], regions of the brain that were less active in the control subjects seemed to be working in overdrive for the mental athletes. (2016-05-U.S.)
4. The main purpose of the first paragraph is to
A. characterize Nawab as a loving father.
B. outline the schedule of a typical day in Nawab’s life.
C. describe Nawab’s various moneymaking ventures.
D. contrast Nawab’s and Harouni’s lifestyles.
Another man might have thrown up his hands----but not Nawabdin. His twelve daughters acted as a spur to his genius, and he looked with satisfaction in the mirror each morning at the face of a warrior going out to do battle. Nawab of course knew that he must proliferate his sources of revenue---the salary he received from K. K. Harouni for tending the tube wells would not even begin to suffice. He set up a little one-room flour mill, run off a condemned electric motor---condemned by him. He tried his hand at fish-farming in a little pond at the edge of his master’s fields. He bought broken radios, fixed them, and resold them. He did not demur even when asked to fix watches, though that enterprise did spectacularly badly, and in fact earned him more kicks than kudos, for no watch he took apart ever kept time again. (2016-05-Asia)
Science and social science:
Para. 1  introduction (to inspire…)
Para. 2  basis
Para. 3  method or design of the experiment
Para. 4  results or findings
Para. 5  application
Para. 6  implication (possible future effect)
Para. 7  limitation
Para. 8  further questions
History and documents:
Para. 1  introduction  (present reasons to write the passage)
Para. 2  counterclaim  (to present argument against it)
Para. 3  central claim
Para. 4  arguments (reasons)
Para. 1  Setting (to foreshadow…)
Para. 2  introduction of characters
Para. 3  development of the story
Para. 4  sth. behind the story
The author includes the information in the first paragraph most likely to…
The primary purpose of lines 26-28 (“the amount... labor”) is to…
5. The last sentence of the passage mainly serves to
A. restate the passage’s central idea about constructing metaphors.
B. acknowledge a potential weakness of the study’s treatment of metaphors.
C. express concern about an apparent limitation of metaphors.
D. reinforce a claim about how metaphors achieve their effect.
When Thibodeau and Borodisky asked participants to come up with synonyms for either “beast” or “virus” before reading crime reports that omitted the metaphors entirely, the participants provided similar solutions for solving the city’s problems. In other words, the metaphors only worked if they framed the story. (2017-03-U.S.)
解析:首先看到逻辑词“in other words,换句话说”,意思就是用另一种方式表明同样意思,所以看选项就排除了BC,再看内容相符的就只有D。
6. Lines 56-57( “It . . . say “) serve mainly to
A. reintroduce a topic mentioned earlier in the passage and explore it in greater detail.
B. transition from a set of facts to a larger context in which those facts can be considered.
C. anticipate and refute a potential objection to the author's argument.
D. acknowledge the limitations of a position but suggest that those limitations are irrelevant.
It makes sense that T. rex would grow this way, experts say. Several lines of evidence suggest that dinosaurs had a higher metabolism and faster growth rates than living reptiles do. (2017-03-U.S.)
解析:核心动词是make sense,说明之前说的在另一种情景下也说得通,所以能选的就只有B。
7. The primary purpose of lines 26-28 (“the amount... labor”) is to
A. describe a process.
B. highlight a dilemma.
C. clarify a claim.
D. explain a term.
As evidence, Brynjolfsson and McAfee point to a chart that only an economist could love. In economics, productivity---the amount of economic value created for a given unit of input, such as an hour of labor---is a crucial indicator of growth and wealth creation. (2016-10-U.S.)
8. The primary purpose of line 35-38 (“Hence…rewarded”) is to provide support for the claim that
A. North America produces more artists than Europe.
B. North Americans consider handicrafts to be more important than fine arts.
C. North Americans spend little money on art.
D. North Americans prefer European art to North American art.
Very few rich enough to live idly upon their Rents or Incomes, or to pay the high Prices given in Europe for Paintings, Statues, Architecture, and the other Works of Art, that are more curious than useful. Hence the natural Geniuses, that have arisen in America with such Talents, have uniformly quitted that Country for Europe, where they can be more suitably rewarded. (2016-12-U.S.)
The author uses the term “Queen” in lines 1 and 41 most likely to
In the first paragraph, the effect of the word “amazingly” and the phrase “believe it or not” is to
9. In describing purple loosestrife as the "bane" (line 4) of conservationists, the author most likely means that purple loosestrife
A. destroy ecosystems wherever it is introduced.
B. creates a need for conservationists all across North America.
C. presents a significant challenge for conservationists.
D. serve as an important symbol to conservationists.
The purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)---an invasive wetlands plant that was introduced to North America some 50 years ago---has become the bane of conservationists who have struggled to keep it under control. (2017-11-U.S.)
10. The reference to “singing” in line 79 mainly serves to
A. signal a puzzling change in Kitty’s mood.
B. reveal the motivation for performing her discovers.
C. echo the inspirational tone of Kitty’s song.
D. emphasize the unexpected happiness Kitty feels.
Kitty’s heart had suddenly grown light. She sang the second one better because something within her was singing. (2017-08-U.S.)
解析:singing这个词很简单,但根据上下文我们知道singing是内心的歌唱,所以根据suddenly grown light可知,这是表现内心的高兴,其中suddenly对应unexpected。
11. In the second paragraph (lines 15-31), the discussion of short-term memory primarily functions to
A. clarify an explanation of what prompts the Venus flytrap to close.
B. advance a controversial hypothesis about the function of electric charges found in the 
leaf of the Venus flytrap.
C. stress the distinction between the strategies of the Venus flytrap and the strategies of human beings.
D. emphasize the Venus flytrap’s capacity for retaining detailed information about its prey.
We can look at this system as analogous to short-term memory. First, the flytrap encodes the information (forms the memory) that something (it doesn’t know what) has touched one of its hairs. Then it stores this information for a number of seconds (retains the memory) and finally retrieves this information (recalls the memory) once a second hair is touched. If a small ant takes a while to get from one hair to the next, the trap will have forgotten the first touch by the time the ant brushes up against the next hair. In other words, it loses the storage of the information, doesn’t close, and the ant happily meanders on. How does the plant encode and store the information from the unassuming bug’s encounter with the first hair? How does it remember the first touch in order to react upon the second? (2017-01-U.S.)
解析:从划线的第一句可知这是个类比的修辞,主要目的就是用short-term memory解释一个复杂原理。