Brad Feld布拉德·菲尔德 | 硅谷风险投资机构Foundry Group总经理,关注处于早期发展阶段的信息技术、因特网、软件创业公司投资。
本文刊于2015年的Inc.杂志  英文演讲独家翻译:笔记侠 钟子涵
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Entrepreneurial Life Shouldn't Be This Way--Should It?
Depression is a fact of life for some entrepreneurs.
Earlier this year, two tech entrepreneurs,Aaron Swartz and Jody Sherman, committed suicide independently of eachother. Both faced incredible pressures. And both suffered from depression.
It's not a topic the start-up community understands well. After all,this is the very culture that turned the chestnut "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" into a much-celebrated verb. Admitting you struggle with depression is like admitting you can't reach your bootstraps. It's assumed thatsuccessful people can just "shake it off."
But that's not how it works.
I know. I've struggled with serious bouts of depression three times in my life.I'm not talking about a series of miserable days or struggling through thepressure and stress of a failing company. I'm talking about months of feelingemotionally drained.
My latest episode began in January and lifted only in May after months of feelingcompletely exhausted. In the fall, I was logging 80-plus-hour weeks on aregular basis, traveling most of the time,trying to recover from a bike accident without taking any time off,and sleeping poorly. I wasn't running regularly, which is usually how I get time alone. Andin an alarming health scare in October, I wound up in the hospital for surgery toremove a kidney stone.
By January, I had slipped into a deep depression. Thejoy went out of everything. I spent February through April prying myself out ofbed, going through the motions at work,and just waiting to crawl back into bed again.
This is what depression feels like. I'm lucky in that I have an incredible wife,friends, and colleagues who gave me space andsimply listened to me, without judgment. My depression eventuallylifted, as it has twice before in my life.
With time, I've become more aware of how these cycleswork. For one thing, I've noticed that often my most creativemoments come on the heels of a depressive episode. I don't think this is acoincidence. Each time it happens, the days get lighter once I finally takesteps to simplify my life.
I make time and space to care for my mental health. I stop setting my alarm for 5a.m. and let myself sleep until I wake up naturally. I observe digital Sabbathsin which I stop checking email, keeping up with the news online,and checking into Foursquare. I travel less. I read and run more.
In other words, I do all of the things that the prevailingstart-up culture tries to squeeze out of my life. And as a result,I'm far more productive in the business of building and investing in companies.
I've heard from many fellow entrepreneurs and investors who have confessed tofeeling the same way. Here's the rub: Failure has become OK--it's even a kindof street cred--as long as you can write the postmortem blog post about yourheroic pivot.
But depression carries a stigma. Most of the success stories we hear involve anentrepreneur who pushes himself beyond his physical and emotional limits. He's unbalanced--but in a good way.
My own experience has made me realize that this imbalance is no way to live thestart-up life, and, in fact, it's detrimental to this kind of work. Theonly way I survive the dark periods is by constantly renewing myself and myperspective. Starting over is part of the process of starting up. That'ssomething those in the entrepreneurial community should understand better thananyone else.
The opinions expressed here by columnists are their own, not those of
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