August 3, 2017, 我和全美最年轻的参议员Tom Cotton在比华利山会面2个小时。我和他交流了他最近撰写的新移民法,亚裔细分问题,以及华裔MAVNI参军必须立刻解决的delay问题。我把提前写好的MAVNI请愿书交给他,参议员Tom Cotton表示他会重视这个问题,立刻想办法帮助华裔军人解决。

鉴于新移民法是华人非常关注的事情,而Tom Cotton又是主要提案人之一。在这里,我想重点讲述一下和Tom Cotton新移民法的情况。
How long did you prepare for the RAISE act, and what was the most important intention behind this act? Some of the legal immigrants are worried about their family members not being able to get green cards, some of them are already in process of getting their family members green cards,  are they going to be affected and when is this bill going to be passed?
 (请大家听听这个语音,可以听到Tom Cotton对该法案的阐述。)

Tom Cotton,
So this is something I have worked on at a high level for some years, the immigration issue has been around for a long time. Perdue and I have sat down and started to put things together. I got David on board in January, he’s a big help and with CEO background, very big help. So we pitched this message to the president in February, and at the time, there were 150000 employment based visas along with refugees and family unifications and lottery. The president wanted to use point based visas, so our experts consulted with people in Canada.
As it regards to family unification, there is a grandfathered clause, people move down the list from a certain amount of time, parents, siblings, other extended families are included in this system. Also, there is a point based system, where the whole idea is to create a new immigration system where points are based on your ability to English, educational level, money offered at your job, what you are doing for the community, your age, exceptional capabilities, etc. . So you get a scale from 0-100, you have to get 30 points to be eligible. From what we see, it’s really hard to get over 50 points, you’d have to be an Olympic gold medalist who also won a Nobel Prize at 26 years old.
(总统希望使用打分制度。专家们取经了加拿大移民法,借鉴他们的法律而写出了该移民法。新移民法打分制度满分为100分,根据申请人的英语水平,教育水平,工作收入,为社区的贡献,年龄,和特殊能力等等。满30分才有资格。我们认为得到超过50分就非常困难了。 )
So if you have been on the family waiting list, you will get a few extra points, in additional to the points.
I think this act is a great idea to get rid of the parasites of our community, and to retain more high skill assets in this country at the same time depressurize to competition between lower skilled labors locally.
Tom Cotton,
Here an example, there are 85k Somalia born residents in the United States. Somalia is a country with about 15 million people. And there are 80k Australian born residents in the United States, and Australia has 25 million people.
An echo effect was created when a lot of Somalia refugees came here in the 1990s, and lasted for decades for no real reasons that we should give them green cards. Or you can give green cards to Australians who speak our language and one of the highest per capita in the world and highly educated.
Who is to say to whom we should give green cards to?
Melania Trump is a perfect example here. She speaks perfect English, she has college degree, and I presume when she came here she was making above median income, and she was young, so she would definitely qualify.
Thank you, Senator! And thank you for making America work again! One last question,do you support racial based college admission and any sort of disaggregation. Asian Americans have been worrying about many Asian based disaggregation bills being passed by the democrats controlled legislatures.
Tom Cotton,
I do not support any racial based college admission. As for disaggregation, I have to look more into the specific issue. I believe segregation is a thing of the past.
Thank you for your time Senator. Please do take a serious look into the Dem sponsored Asian disaggregation bills and I would like to contact your office in the future on more issues Asian Americans face.
