#English Study#Election Words A - Z: Convention. A political convention is a large gathering where a political party formally nominates its presidential candidate. It marks the culmination of the primary election process and launches the general election campaign. Conventions are grand events, featuring speeches from key party figures, party platform ratification, and the nominee's acceptance speech. While modern conventions are more ceremonial, historically, they involved intense negotiations to select candidates. They play a vital role in unifying the party and rallying support for the nominee.
#AmericanEnglish##2024 Election#
#英语学习#选举词汇A-Z:Convention (党代会)。党代会是一个政党正式提名其总统候选人的大会。它标志着初选过程的结束,并启动了大选活动。党代会是盛大的活动,包括来自关键党内人物的演讲、党纲的确认以及被提名人的演讲。尽管现代的党代会更多是礼仪性的,但历史上,党代会涉及选择候选人的激烈谈判。党代会在团结政党并为被提名人获取支持方面起着至关重要的作用。

#AmericanEnglish# #2024美国大选#