Two Chinese scientific achievements are included in the 10 biggest science stories of 2022 chosen by scientists, according to a report by the Guardian.

In COVID's boost to immune research category, the use of sniffable or inhale-able vaccines — mucosal vaccines, which are already used in China to tackle COVID 19 — was introduced by Sheena Cruickshank, professor of biomedical sciences and public engagement at the University of Manchester, the Guardian reported on Sunday

Cruickshank said the inhale-able vaccines, which is much more appealing for those of us who are needle-phobic, may offer long-term protection against respiratory viruses. If these new developments deliver on their promise, then one day soon the calls for annual shots could be a thing of the past, according to Cruickshank.
抗菌肽(Antimicrobial peptide, AMP)是传统抗生素的公认替代品,因为它们不太可能引发耐药性;然而,只有数量有限的这类分子进入临床实践,其中数十个正在进行临床和临床前试验。
Ma Yue and his colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences used machine-learning techniques originally developed for natural language processing to identify antimicrobial peptides encoded by the genome sequences of microbes in the human gut.
The algorithm identified 2,349 potential antimicrobial peptide sequences. Among them, 216 peptides were synthesized by chemical methods, and 181 were shown to have antimicrobial activity.

In the AI new antibiotics category, Chinese scientist Ma Yue and his colleagues' efforts in using AI to overcome resistance and replenish our arsenal of effective antimicrobials while developing new drugs was praised by Eriko Takano, professor of synthetic biology at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology.
This is an impressive success rate, which would not have been possible without the aid of AI, according to Takano.
The Dart and Orion missions
The joint Nasa-Esa mission Dart (Double Asteroid Re-Direction Test) was an ambitious attempt to alter the trajectory of a small asteroid (Dimorphos) as it orbited a slightly larger asteroid (Didymos), by sending a spacecraft to crash into it. In October, we learned that the mission had been even more successful than anticipated, and that the orbit of Dimorphos had changed – showing that we could, if given sufficient time, alter the path of an asteroid if it were on a collision course with Earth.
此外,月球作为新一代宇航员的首选目的地登上热门新闻榜。NASA和欧洲航天局的联合项目“阿尔忒弥斯”(Artemis)计划,开始了将人送上月球的行动。任务的第一阶段“猎户座”太空舱(Orion capsule)于11月中旬发射,并于近期成功返回地球。太空舱被设计成最多可容纳6名宇航员,最终,一组宇航员将在2025年登上月球。
Early weather warnings
尽管科技能让人们提前预警自然灾害,但今年世界各地的极端气候事件仍造成巨大的死亡和破坏。今年夏天欧洲有超过20000人死于创纪录的高温。8 月,巴基斯坦三分之一的国土淹没在水下,造成1700人死亡。全球变暖加剧了气候灾难。
We now have the technology to see many of these natural hazards coming, days in advance. And yet 2022 has been full of lethal events. Global heating is making these types of disasters worse.
今年 8 月,流离失所者在巴基斯坦东南部贾法拉巴德的一条被洪水淹没的道路上搬运物品。图源:美联社
联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(António Guterres)致力于推动世界平等获得早期预警(equal access to early warnings)。早期预警可提醒人们注意危险、采取行动,防止悲剧发生。人们需要平等获得多年前就开发出来的预警技术和系统。强有力的领导也很关键,要能够分享信息并对随之而来的警告采取行动。
Alerting people to danger, so they can take action, is the best way to prevent tragedy. We need equal access to skills and systems that were pioneered years ago. Critical, too, is the leadership to share information and act on the warnings that ensue.
Inclusive inroads
This year saw a small but important advance in the treatment of sickle cell disease. This development brings hope to millions of people worldwide, but predominantly in Africa, the Indian subcontinent and South America.
受镰状细胞病影响的红细胞的扫描电子显微镜图像。图源:Science History Images
今年,NASA的“阿尔忒弥斯”计划目标是在2025年前将第一位女性和第一位有色人种送上月球("to land the first woman and first person of color on the moon"),以测试辐射(radiation)的影响。瑞典的一个研究团队研制首个基于女性身体构造的汽车碰撞测试假人(crash test dummy),从而可不再使用缩小版男性假人。

Developments such as these excite hope of inclusive science where gender, ethnicity and location neither privilege nor exclude. 4
Elite mathematicians
今年 7 月,两位菲尔兹奖获得者在芬兰赫尔辛基举行的国际数学家大会颁奖典礼上。图源:法新社
Congratulation to Prof James Maynard, who was awarded a Fields medal this year for his "spectacular contributions" to analytic number theory, "which have led to major advances in the understanding of the structure of prime numbers and in Diophantine approximation".
Congratulations also to one of the other Fields medallists, the Ukrainian mathematician Maryna Viazovska, the second woman to win the award. She was cited for many mathematical accomplishments, in particular her proof that an arrangement called the E8 lattice is the densest packing of spheres in eight dimensions.5
Soft cell, hard cell…
Early signs of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's are often associated with changes in cell stiffness. This year, two research groups, one from Germany, and one from the US, published separate studies demonstrating groundbreaking improvements in a method to measure cell-stiffness, known as Brillouin microscopy. Developments in this technique this year have significantly advanced imaging speed and resolution, and reduced photo-damage, making the method now widely applicable for observing changes in cell mechanical properties in living animals.
This method will provide a powerful tool for early diagnosis of diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's. It will also revolutionize how scientists can measure and track the mechanical changes of our cells during normal development, and critically improve our understanding of the importance of mechanical forces in biology. 
Quantum entanglement untangled
“远距离的幽灵作用”——这是阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦所说的量子纠缠(quantum entanglement),即两个量子粒子必须被视为一个单一实体,因为即使它们相距很远,影响其中一个就会影响另一个。
"Spooky action at a distance." That's what Albert Einstein called quantum entanglement, which is when two quantum particles have to be considered as a single entity, since influencing one of them affects the other even when they are far apart.
今年10月,法国科学家阿兰·阿斯佩(Alain Aspect)、美国科学家约翰·克劳泽(John Clauser)和奥地利科学家安东·蔡林格(Anton Zeilinger)三位量子信息科学的先驱被授予诺贝尔物理学奖,以表彰他们在理解量子纠缠方面的贡献。这一发现也为量子计算机的突破奠定了基础,未来可能会改变人们的生活和工作方式。
Nature positive
近期,《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(15th meeting of the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, COP15)在加拿大蒙特利尔举行,这次会议将为从现在到2050年的自然恢复设定方向。与此同时,各企业正在作出大胆的承诺,要变得“自然向好”,也就是说企业活动总体上应该有利于自然。
Alongside this, companies are making bold commitments to become "nature positive", meaning that their activities should, overall, lead to nature being in a better state.
Battery charge
The October Nature paper by Chao-Yang Wang and co-authors described a way to charge energy-dense batteries incredibly quickly – in just a few minutes. It really highlights the phenomenal speed at which battery chemists, engineers and technologists are rising to the challenge.
We are also seeing huge progress in battery technologies based on cheap, abundant sodium instead of expensive and relatively rare lithium, as well as methods to make all these batteries far easier to recycle.
来源:中国日报 科技日报 卫报