
沈博士认为:“学业优秀、考取大学,甚至是名牌大学,可以看成是孩子成才和成功的一个标志,但并不是唯一的标志,也不是孩子幸福人生的最重要的基石。” 在处理亲子关系,青少年叛逆期问题处理,学校沟通方面有独到的资源和优势。
Dr. Shen (Senior Advisor for Success in Higher Education)
Doctorate in Education from Boston University and has lived in the U.S. for over thirty years. Education Specialist at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Superintendent of Schools in a large and well-known city in Massachusetts.
Father of two children, son graduated from Stanford University and daughter graduated from Cornell University. Dr. Shen's book, "The Best Education is at Home," was published in 2016.
According to Dr. Shen, "Academic excellence and getting into college, even a prestigious university, can be seen as a sign of a child's success and success, but it is not the only sign, nor is it the most important building block of a child's happy life."
He is not only a well-known educator, but also the president of a Chinese association, passionate about public service, and has made greater achievements in promoting quality education and advancing Chinese participation in politics.

刘博士是美国麻州某知名大学商学院的终身正教授,系主任和中国企业研究项目主任。他的研究涉及面很广,并在多个国际著名学术期刊上发表论文。他熟悉中美文化和管理,拥有多年的美国和中国企业与机构的咨询经验,并曾在不少中国大学(包括清华)做访问/客座教授/研究员, 还被邀请作为国家自然科学基金委员会和长江学者评审委员会的海外专家。
Dr. Liu is a tenured professor, department chair, and director of the Chinese Enterprise Research Program at a university business school. His research covers a wide range of areas and has been published in many internationally renowned academic journals. He is knowledgeable about both Chinese and American cultures and management, with many years of consulting experience in both American and Chinese enterprises and institutions. Dr. Liu has also served as a visiting/professorial/research fellow at several Chinese universities, including Tsinghua University. He has served as an overseas expert for the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Changjiang Scholars Program. Dr. Liu has conducted in-depth interviews with over 60 Chinese enterprises (both Chinese and foreign-owned) to understand their operations and management strategies. 
He is also particularly interested in guiding and assisting students, including both high school and college students. Dr. Liu's years of teaching and mentoring experience have given him a deep understanding of the learning and communication process, methods, and importance in American schools. He truly understands the expectations teachers have for their students, as well as students' expectations for learning, teachers, and even themselves. Under his guidance, many of his students have been accepted into prestigious universities such as Harvard, Cornell, and Duke.
In addition to his academic work, Dr. Liu is actively involved in serving the Chinese community in the US. He has served as a board member and was elected president of the Boston chapter of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, a board member of the Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Association, a senior marketing consultant for the US-China Medical Exchange Association, and a moderator for the tenth Harvard China Review. In his free time, Dr. Liu enjoys hiking, playing sports, writing poetry, and singing.

小刘老师是美国麻州波士顿某Niche A+ 初高中的招生部副主管。每年招生季面试50+美国本土和来自世界各地的国际生。她本科毕业于美国东北大学,研究生毕业于乔治华盛顿大学教育系。她致力于英语教育及学生发展, 曾于上海最大k-12外教机构担任培训讲师,同时还设计并监制音乐剧与英文相结合的课程。她注重挖掘每个孩子闪光点, 让孩子在保证的学术水平基础上,发挥特长,让普通的孩子也能在招生官眼中成为最闪光最特别的那一个。她爱好广泛,性格开朗,多才多艺,业余时间,她喜欢芭蕾,戏剧,也在波士顿相声社当主持人。
About Miss Liu: 
Working as the Admission Associate at an A+ k-6-12 school in Massachusetts, for each admission cycle Miss Liu will interview more than 50 applicants from all over the world. 
She graduated with a BA from Northeastern University in Boston, and a MA in International Education from George Washington University in D.C. She is dedicated to students’ education and development. She embarked on her career by working as a teacher trainer at the biggest K-12 education facilities in Shanghai featuring immersive English learning experiences with foreign teachers, she also designed and supervised musical theatre curricula. She pays attention to students’ individuality and lets students shine in their own way. She is also a talented ENFJ personnel, she enjoys ballet and theatre. In her leisure time, you can find her hosting a comedy show at Boston Fuyun Comedy Club.

哥伦比亚在职教师 Mary
Mary graduated from Columbia University with a master's degree in management and finance. He was an admissions officer at Columbia University for many years.
During my tenure as an admissions officer, I was responsible for reviewing more than 6,000 applications per year. She is also responsible for developing, designing, and implementing diversity recruitment strategies and scholarship policies for female, black, Latino, LGBTQI+, and military candidates.
She is familiar with the application process and policy changes of American universities, has a precise sense of the pulse of Ivy League university applications, and is good at providing high-level strategic suggestions during the application process, such as in-depth understanding and analysis of applicants, putting forward the most suitable development plan for applicants, and frequently following up the progress of applicants and matching corresponding resources. Help create a list of up to 10 schools to apply to when applying to college or graduate school, review papers, letters of recommendation, and other documents.
Mary has worked as an admissions strategy consultant providing advanced professional advice to clients applying to UNDERGRADUATE and graduate programs in the United States, with her expertise in the Ivy League and University of California admissions process. In four and a half years, Mary has served 50 international students and is able to provide high-end services tailored to each student.
以下是Mary老师协助学生们收到学校录取的名单 The following is a list of universities Ms. Mary assisted her students in having gotten into:
  • 哈佛大学教育学院 (Harvard School of Education)
  • 普林斯顿公共和国际事务学院(Princeton School of Public and International Affairs)
  • 英国剑桥 (UK Cambridge)
  • 耶鲁大学公共卫生、生物统计学硕士 (Yale Master of Public Health, Biostatistics)
  • 哥伦比亚大学项目(Columbia University Programs):
  • 哥伦比亚大学公共卫生硕士,生物统计学 (Columbia University Master of Public Health, Biostatistics)
  • 哥伦比亚大学国际与公共事务硕士 (Columbia University Master of International and Public Affairs)
  • 哥伦比亚大学公共卫生硕士 (Columbia Master of Public Health)
  • 哥伦比亚大学工商管理硕士 (Columbia MBA)
  • 哥伦比亚大学工程学院 (Columbia School of Engineering)
  • 哥伦比亚大学普通教育学院 (Columbia School of General Studies)
  • 哥伦比亚大学 (Columbia College)
  • 纽约大学工商管理硕士 (NYU MBA)
  • 波士顿学院 (Boston College) 
  • 波士顿大学 (Boston University)
  • 布兰代斯大学 (Brandeis University)
  • 埃默里大学 (Emory University)
  • 福特汉姆商学院(Fordham Business School)
  • 乔治华盛顿大学 (George Washington University)
  • 乔治敦大学 (Georgetown University)
  • 罗格斯大学 (Rutgers University)
  • 密歇根大学金融学硕士 (University of Michigan Master of Finance)
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校金融学硕士 (UCLA Master of Finance)
  • 加州大学伯克利分校 EMBA (UC Berkeley EMBA)
  • 加州大学戴维斯分校 (UC Davis)

Joy老师目前在美国工作,拥有多年丰富的升学经验,特别擅长辅导美国Top 30 本科申请以及商科和人文学科的硕士项目。她拥有南京大学英语本科和圣路易斯华盛顿大学MA/MBA双学位的背景,精通中英文双语,不仅擅长文书辅导,有自己独到的见解,也因多年在美工作和生活的跨文化背景,为华裔辅导文书更具优势。通过挖掘学生独特的故事,创造动人细腻并结合实际目标的个人陈述,帮助学生塑造独具一格的个人形象。Joy 拥有丰富的商科职业规划咨询、简历修改和面试辅导的经验。
Joy is currently working in the U.S. and has many years of experience in the U.S. She is especially good at counseling the Top 30 undergraduate applications and master's programs in business and humanities.
She has a bilingual background in English from Nanjing University and an MA/MBA from Washington University in St. Louis and is not only good at coaching documents with her own unique insights, but also has the advantage of coaching documents for Chinese students due to her cross-cultural background of working and living in the U.S. for many years. Joy has extensive experience in business career planning consulting, resume revision, and interview coaching.

Viji 老师:
小助手 (大成)


