今天是On Writing Well马拉松阅读的第33天,继续精读精析第七章usage。本章主要讲英语惯用法的问题。

1. If you must use "comprise," use it right. 
2. We were not pedants, so hung up on correctness that we didn't want the language to keep refreshing itself with phrases like "hung up." But that didn't mean we had to accept every atrocity that comes stumbling in.  
必备语言学习态度2:不默守陈规,不随波逐流!每年都有大量的新词出现,互联网的发展更使得网络用语无处不在。因此,在新的表达方式面前,要批判式对待,不能全部"拿来”, 也不能全部否决,一个不用。这个度的把握,不把语言学到十足好,是很难的。
3. Still, there's comfort in the sight of so many watchdogs standing Canute-like on the beach, trying to hold back the tide. That's where all careful writers ought to be—looking at every new piece of flotsam that washes up and asking "Do we need it?"


  1. as for 至于
  2. conservative 持保守态度的
  3. upheld 支持、赞成
  4. decried 公开反对、谴责
  5. flaunt their ignorance 炫耀自己的无知
  6. flouting the rule 藐视规则
  7. fortuitous 偶然的
  8. accidental 偶然的(fortuitous is happening by chance; coincidental or accidental while accidental is happening by chance, or unexpectedly; taking place not according to the usual course of things; casual; fortuitous.)
  9. disinterested 公正的; 无私的;
  10. impartial 公正的; 无私的(impartial is treating all parties, rivals, or disputants equally; not partial; not biased; fair while disinterested is having no stake or interest in the outcome; free of bias, impartial)
  11. "infer" doesn`t mean "imply." 推断或猜想并不是“暗示”的意思(推断题和暗示题是阅读理解常考的两类题型,推断意味着文中没有这层意思,暗示意味着文中有这层意思,只是字面上没直说)
  12. incorrect usage 不正确的用法
  13. reference 提及,涉及
  14. allusion 暗指,间接提到
  15. connive 搞阴谋 (不一定违法:If one person connives with another to do something, they secretly try to achieve something which will benefit both of them.)
  16. conspire 搞阴谋 (一定违法: to secretly plan with other people to do sth illegal or harmful)
  17. compare with 把……和……进行比较
  18. compare to 把……比作……

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