今天是On Writing Well马拉松阅读的第25天,继续精读精析第四章style。如果昨天的还没读,建议看一下,再看今天的:On Writing Well精读第24天 | 想写好,就不要老是想着“好不好”
提示:由于发现上传的文字时不时会出现错误,所以从这次开始,On Writing Well的精读精析不再上传文字,而是将阅读标记的截图放在这里,后面再配上阅读笔记。



  1. the pleasure with which they put on paper their passions and their crotchets  (crotchet:奇想。注意:这里是把put的宾语their passions and their crotchets放到了最后,并不是put是不及物动词,后面加了介词on及其宾语。那样理解是说不通的!!)
  2. shares 有同样的感情(或想法、经历等)(这里不是大家熟悉的“分享”的意思)
  3. the first excerpt is from... 第一个要引用的是来自...(我把excerpt译成了动词,感觉这样更符合汉语表达习惯)
  4. hen 母鸡
  5. E.B.White 写了三本经典儿童文学作品《精灵鼠小弟》)、《夏洛的网》与《吹小号的天鹅》;同时也是最畅销的英语写作指导书The Elements of Style《风格的要素》的其中一位作者。
  6. at the height of...在……的高峰期
  7. enjoy an honorable position 享有光荣的地位
  8. goes on and on 从未停止享有光荣的地位 (go on and on的词典解释是:从未停止,在文章中要结合所在上下文来解读)
  9. is in favor 得到尊重
  10. deified 把…奉若神明
  11. the darling of... ...的宠儿
  12. feted 被宴请(这个词在文中的使用充满了讽刺的味道)
  13. conference tables 会议桌 
  14. girlish ways 少女风度  
  15. curious habits 好奇的习惯 
  16. many an excited husbandryman 许多兴奋的饲养员
  17. a stranger without honor or allure 没有荣誉或诱惑的陌生人 
  18. attachment to.. 依恋...
  19. dates from..始于
  20. been faithful to..忠于..
  21. in good times and bad 无论在顺境逆境中(注意:不是in good or bad times)
  22. an easy relationship to maintain 容易维持的关系 
  23. a carefully zoned suburb 精心规划的郊区 
  24. to reckon with 对付; 面对
  25. an underground newspaper 地下报纸 
  26. regarded the hen as a comic prop straight out of vaudeville 把母鸡当作直接从杂耍中出来的喜剧道具(vaudeville: 歌舞杂耍表演)
  27. scorn 鄙视; 轻蔑
  28. increased my devotion to...增加了我对....的忠诚
  29. remained loyal 保持忠诚 
  30. wear the smile 脸带微笑(注意是wear)
  31. the enthusiastic cackling of urbanities  热情礼貌的笑声 
  32. taken up the hen socially 在社会上接受了母鸡
  33. fill the air with their newfound ecstasy and knowledge and the relative charms of...让空气中充满了他们新发现的狂喜和知识以及相对的魅力.(注意fill the air with...的使用)
  34. from their nervous cries of wonder and praise 从他们惊异和赞美的紧张呼喊中
  35. in the suburbs of...在...的郊区
  36. all poutry lore 所有的家禽传说(这里lore是不可数名词)
  37. endlessly fascinating 特别吸引人 (注意endlessly等做程度副词)

The war has deified her and she is the darling of the home front
, feted at conference tables, praised in every smoking car,her girlish ways and curious habits the topic of many an excited husbandryman
to whom yesterday she was a stranger without honor or allure.

精析:这个句子比较长,很考验句子分析能力:先是and连起来的两个简单句, The war has deified her和she is the dariling of the home front( 这里home front是指(战时的)后方民众,大后方);之后的过去分词短语feted...和praised...都是作前句的状语,来具体说明鸡是如何在当时民众中“受宠”的。
Ours has not always been an easy relationship to maintain. 
精析:这里的ours是指our relationship,即the relaship between the hen and me(这里me是指作者)。而relationship一词是在ours后面出现的。也就是说,ours在这里的指代不是指代前文信息,而是指代后文信息。当然,代词在绝大多数场合都用作前指,后指只是例外。因此,在看文章时,若是遇到代词后指,要多多注意!
my chickens had to be as closely guarded as an underground newspaper
Later, as a man in the country, I had my old friends in town to reckon with,most of whom regarded the hen as a comic prop straight out of vaudeville... .
I remained loyal, as a man would to a bride whom his family received with open ridicule.
另外,注意, would作为情态动词,其后必须是动词原形。这里a man would to a bride...其实是a man would (remain loyal) to a bride省略. 
精析:注意这里in引导的两个介词短语,以及中间的instead of:in...., instead of in... 首先,两个介词短语都是和yesterday一样作状语修饰动词hatched。像这种多个状语同时修饰一个动词的句子,每次看到时,都要多多留意。 
To a man who keeps hens, all poultry lore is exciting and endlessly fascinating. 
精析:这里endlessly也可以换位very, extremely等程度副词。英语中常规的程度副词有:very、much、enough、almost、rather、quite; 但很多时候,像extremely, endlessly等副词也可以表程度:a bit small,absolutely tiny, dreadfully cold, utterly freezing, unusually hot, fully boiling, extremely difficult, virtually impossible, slightly sad, completely devastated.
Every spring I settle down with my farm journal and read, with the same glazed expression on my face, the age-old story of how to prepare a brooder house....
精析:这里的and,前是settle down with my farm journal, 后是一个动词read。而不是with my farm journal and read。另外,介词with短语作伴随状语。the age-old story是指老掉牙的故事,brooder house是指孵化室。

这次的On Writing Well就到此结束。明天继续精读第五章the audience。 

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