酒店点数 -> Aeroplan 25% Bonus

每年Aeroplan都会推出1-2次酒店转点优惠活动,今年也不例外。符合条件的酒店转点伙伴有 Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG), Marriott Rewards, Hilton Honors, Club Carlson, Wyndham Rewards等等,当然MR的转点是不算的。
从现在起至2018年4月16日,酒店点数转至 Aeroplan (AC 里程) 可以额外得到25%的里程。活动链接在此。
从 SPG 转点比较划算,其他酒店的转点比例就太坑爹了。大家最关心的问题肯定还是万豪大礼包得到的里程算不算,不幸的是今年的条款在这一问题上写的不清不楚的,需要勇士尝试一下然后贡献数据点了:
Please note that some hotel loyalty programs have hotel and flight redemption packages where Aeroplan Miles are issued. It is at the discretion of each Hotel Program if these miles are deemed a conversion of points to miles or simply a bonus earned for the redemption.
HT: Frequent Miler.