强化学习教父 Richard Sutton 的经典教材《Reinforcement Learning:An Introduction》第二版公布啦。本书分为三大部分,共十七章,机器之心对其简介和框架做了扼要介绍,并附上了全书目录、课程代码与资料。下载《强化学习》PDF 请点击文末「阅读原文」。
  • 书籍百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1miP38tM
  • 原书籍地址:http://incompleteideas.net/sutton/book/bookdraft2017nov5.pdf
  • 课程代码地址:https://github.com/ShangtongZhang/reinforcement-learning-an-introduction
  • 课程资料地址:http://incompleteideas.net/sutton/book/the-book-2nd.html
本书第一部分的第一章描述了强化学习问题具体案例的解决方案,其中只有一个称为土匪问题(bandit problem)的单一状态。第二章描述了贯穿全书的一般问题制定——有限马尔科夫决策过程,其主要思想包括贝尔曼方程(Bellman equation)和价值函数。
第六、七章介绍了上述三类方法如何结合在一起进而达到最佳效果。第六章中我们介绍了可使用适合度轨迹(eligibility traces)把蒙特卡洛方法和时序差分学习的优势整合起来。第七章中我们表明时序差分学习可与模型学习和规划方法(比如动态编程)结合起来,获得一个解决列表强化学习(tabular reinforcement learning)问题的完整而统一的方案。
在强化学习中使用函数逼近涉及一些在传统的监督学习中不常出现的新问题,比如非稳定性(nonstationarity)、引导(bootstrapping)和目标延迟(delayed targets)。我们将在这部分的五章中先后介绍这些以及其它问题。我们首先集中讨论在线(on-policy)训练,而在第九章中的预测案例其策略是给定的,只有其价值函数是近似的,在第十章中的控制案例中最优策略的一个近似已经找到。函数逼近的离线(off-policy)学习的困难将在第十一章讨论。在这三章的每一章中我们都必须从基本原理开始,并复查函数逼近的学习目标。第十二章将介绍和分析适合度轨迹(eligibility traces)的算法机制,它能在多个案例中显著优化多步强化学习方法的计算特性。这一部分的最后一章将探索一种不同的控制、策略梯度的方法,它能直接逼近最优策略且完全不需要设定近似值函数(虽然如果使用了一个逼近价值函数,效率会高得多)。
1 Introduction
1.1 Reinforcement Learning
1.2 Examples
1.3 Elements of Reinforcement Learning
1.4 Limitations and Scope
1.5 An Extended Example: Tic-Tac-Toe
1.6 Summary
1.7 Early History of Reinforcement Learning 
I Tabular Solution Methods
2 Multi-armed Bandits
2.1 A k-armed Bandit Problem
2.2 Action-value Methods
2.3 The 10-armed Testbed 
2.4 Incremental Implementation
2.5 Tracking a Nonstationary Problem
2.6 Optimistic Initial Values
2.7 Upper-Condence-Bound Action Selection
2.8 Gradient Bandit Algorithms
2.9 Associative Search (Contextual Bandits)
2.10 Summary
3 Finite Markov Decision Processes
3.1 The Agent{Environment Interface
3.2 Goals and Rewards
3.3 Returns and Episodes
3.4 Unied Notation for Episodic and Continuing Tasks
3.5 Policies and Value Functions
3.6 Optimal Policies and Optimal Value Functions
3.7 Optimality and Approximation
3.8 Summary
4 Dynamic Programming
4.1 Policy Evaluation (Prediction)
4.2 Policy Improvement
4.3 Policy Iteration
4.4 Value Iteration
4.5 Asynchronous Dynamic Programming
4.6 Generalized Policy Iteration
4.7 Eciency of Dynamic Programming
4.8 Summary
 5 Monte Carlo Methods
5.1 Monte Carlo Prediction
5.2 Monte Carlo Estimation of Action Values
5.3 Monte Carlo Control
5.4 Monte Carlo Control without Exploring Starts
5.5 O-policy Prediction via Importance Sampling
5.6 Incremental Implementation
5.7 O-policy Monte Carlo Control
5.8 *Discounting-aware Importance Sampling
5.9 *Per-reward Importance Sampling
5.10 Summary
6 Temporal-Dierence Learning
6.1 TD Prediction
6.2 Advantages of TD Prediction Methods
6.3 Optimality of TD(0)
6.4 Sarsa: On-policy TD Control
6.5 Q-learning: O-policy TD Control
6.6 Expected Sarsa
6.7 Maximization Bias and Double Learning
6.8 Games, Afterstates, and Other Special Cases
6.9 Summary
7 n -step Bootstrapping
7.1 n-step TD Prediction
7.2 n-step Sarsa
7.3 n-step O-policy Learning by Importance Sampling
7.4 *Per-reward O-policy Methods
7.5 O-policy Learning Without Importance Sampling:
The n-step Tree Backup Algorithm
7.6 *A Unifying Algorithm: n-step Q()
7.7 Summary
8 Planning and Learning with Tabular Methods
8.1 Models and Planning
8.2 Dyna: Integrating Planning, Acting, and Learning
8.3 When the Model Is Wrong
8.4 Prioritized Sweeping
8.5 Expected vs. Sample Updates
8.6 Trajectory Sampling
8.7 Real-time Dynamic Programming
8.8 Planning at Decision Time
8.9 Heuristic Search
8.10 Rollout Algorithms
8.11 Monte Carlo Tree Search
8.12 Summary of the Chapter
8.13 Summary of Part I: Dimensions
II Approximate Solution Methods
9 On-policy Prediction with Approximation
9.1 Value-function Approximation
9.2 The Prediction Objective (VE)
9.3 Stochastic-gradient and Semi-gradient Methods
9.4 Linear Methods
9.5 Feature Construction for Linear Methods
9.5.1 Polynomials
9.5.2 Fourier Basis
9.5.3 Coarse Coding
9.5.4 Tile Coding
9.5.5 Radial Basis Functions
9.6 Nonlinear Function Approximation: Articial Neural Networks
9.7 Least-Squares TD
9.8 Memory-based Function Approximation
9.9 Kernel-based Function Approximation
9.10 Looking Deeper at On-policy Learning: Interest and Emphasis 
9.11 Summary
10 On-policy Control with Approximation
10.1 Episodic Semi-gradient Control
10.2 n-step Semi-gradient Sarsa
10.3 Average Reward: A New Problem Setting for Continuing Tasks
10.4 Deprecating the Discounted Setting
10.5 n-step Dierential Semi-gradient Sarsa
10.6 Summary
 11 O-policy Methods with Approximation
11.1 Semi-gradient Methods
11.2 Examples of O-policy Divergence
11.3 The Deadly Triad
11.4 Linear Value-function Geometry
11.5 Stochastic Gradient Descent in the Bellman Error
11.6 The Bellman Error is Not Learnable
11.7 Gradient-TD Methods
11.8 Emphatic-TD Methods
11.9 Reducing Variance
11.10 Summary
12 Eligibility Traces
12.1 The -return
12.2 TD()
12.3 n-step Truncated -return Methods
12.4 Redoing Updates: The Online -return Algorithm
12.5 True Online TD()
12.6 Dutch Traces in Monte Carlo Learning
12.7 Sarsa()
12.8 Variable and
12.9 O-policy Eligibility Traces
12.10 Watkins's Q() to Tree-Backup()
12.11 Stable O-policy Methods with Traces
12.12 Implementation Issues
12.13 Conclusions
13 Policy Gradient Methods
13.1 Policy Approximation and its Advantages
13.2 The Policy Gradient Theorem
13.3 REINFORCE: Monte Carlo Policy Gradient
13.4 REINFORCE with Baseline
13.5 Actor{Critic Methods
13.6 Policy Gradient for Continuing Problems
13.7 Policy Parameterization for Continuous Actions
13.8 Summary
III Looking Deeper
 14 Psychology
14.1 Prediction and Control
14.2 Classical Conditioning
14.2.1 Blocking and Higher-order Conditioning
14.2.2 The Rescorla{Wagner Model
14.2.3 The TD Model
14.2.4 TD Model Simulations
14.3 Instrumental Conditioning
14.4 Delayed Reinforcement
14.5 Cognitive Maps
14.6 Habitual and Goal-directed Behavior
14.7 Summary
15 Neuroscience
15.1 Neuroscience Basics
15.2 Reward Signals, Reinforcement Signals, Values, and Prediction Errors
15.3 The Reward Prediction Error Hypothesis
15.4 Dopamine
15.5 Experimental Support for the Reward Prediction Error Hypothesis
15.6 TD Error/Dopamine Correspondence
15.7 Neural Actor Critic
15.8 Actor and Critic Learning Rules
15.9 Hedonistic Neurons
15.10 Collective Reinforcement Learning 
15.11 Model-based Methods in the Brain 
15.12 Addiction
15.13 Summary
16 Applications and Case Studies
16.1 TD-Gammon
16.2 Samuel's Checkers Player
16.3 Watson's Daily-Double Wagering
16.4 Optimizing Memory Control 
16.5 Human-level Video Game Play
16.6 Mastering the Game of Go
16.6.1 AlphaGo
16.6.2 AlphaGo Zero
16.7 Personalized Web Services
16.8 Thermal Soaring
17 Frontiers
17.1 General Value Functions and Auxiliary Tasks
17.2 Temporal Abstraction via Options
17.3 Observations and State
17.4 Designing Reward Signals
17.5 Remaining Issues 
17.6 Reinforcement Learning and the Future of Articial Intelligence
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