国界越发不鲜明,来来往往,移动迁居越来越常见,但是无论适应能力多强的人,当到达一个新地方都需要Settle down。比如Richard 妈,又刚刚完成了加州到华盛顿州的搬迁工作,很多时候,事情只是一部分,心理建设也一样需要settle down, 当一切稳定你就会觉得comfortable, comfortable 后你的能量才会进一步爆发。
我们先说大8 things to do , Check these things off your list before you take abig plunge.
     1. Learn to cook
Learningthe basics of cooking is one of those things everyone should know how to do.Not only does it make you more self-sufficient andindependent, but there can be a certain sex appeal of someone who knowshow to make a homemade marinara sauce or grill a fish perfectly.

2.Travel (alot)

Nothinghas the power to transform and educate you like travel. Traveling gets you out of your comfort zone and intothe big, crazy world where people speak, look, dress, and act differently. Itallows you to experience new things, meet new people, and get to know yourselfbetter.

3.Becomefinancially independent

Thismeans getting off the family phone plan, creating a financial budget, finding healthinsurance, and establishing an emergency fund. Recognize the difference betweenyour needs and your wants, and learn how to regulate your wants so you cancomfortably cover your needs, pay off any debt, and stow away some money for arainy day.

4.Face yourbiggest fears

Doyou hate heights? Go skydiving. Scared of traveling alone? Book a ticket.Scared of asking that cute girl out? Walk over and say “hi.” It will give you agreatsense of accomplishment toacknowledge your fears, expose yourself to those fears, and practice courageousacts.

5.Accomplisha goal

here will be hundreds of goals,big and small, that show up in your life, but take the time before you settledown to set a meaningful goaland accomplish it. This may meangraduating college, starting your own business, or building a freelance career.

6.Get fit

Thismust-do is fairly self-explanatory, but its importance is not to bedisregarded. Before you settle down and get caught up in career, family, andall the drama and stress that can entail, take time for your physical

7.Get toknow yourself

Whenyou settle down your identity is often tied to another person, a job, or ahobby. Take this time to explore your inner selfto find outwho you are at your core.

8.Find outwhat you believe in

…….For this question ,please ask yourself.

8  things to do , Check thesethings off your list before you come to another country(such as the USA).
  1. 1.获得合法身份,并了解此身份在美的各种权益和相关法律
  1. 2.住房
  1. 3.交通
美国是车轮子上的国家,哪怕你住的地方社会交通还算便利,但是不要得过且过,老老实实学车,考驾照,有些技能在现今社会是必备技能,所以早学总是好的。合理安排时间,把这项work out.
  1. 4.财务
开银行卡,开始累积信用,信用社会的玩法,既然来了,就要用人家玩法玩,问我有没有推荐的银行,BOA, CHASE, CITIBANK,都很好,每家政策不一样,自己走进去找Banker 问,顺便锻炼口语。
  1. 5.保险
  1. 6.电话卡
  1. 7.网络
  1. 8.公共资源
买菜去哪里?带娃去哪里?如何能结识更多朋友,社区免费活动如何参加等等,社会资源你要去了解,不然他也不会自动找上你。YELP 可以查吃喝玩乐的地方,交了新朋友可以问问有没有当地群,拉你进去,万事开头难,但是开了头就不难了。

