这个周末,不少猴子屯的小伙伴应该都会想去小动物收容中心看一看。59边上的BARC animal shelter明后两天领养费全部减至$1,收容所里所有喵星人和汪星人都参加。


BARC每周营业七天,开放时间从中午12点到下午5点,具体地址:3300 Carr Street, Houston TX 77026。
如果对从shelter领养宠物还有问题,请看下面这份Q & A,感谢微论坛(moonbbs.com)粉丝@隔壁家的猫的分享。也欢迎留言告诉小编,我们一起讨论!
1. Q:shelter有没有纯种猫狗?


2. Q:shelter为什么要收费领养?不应该是免费吗?

另外,你的领养费也会造福于其他还在shelter等待的猫狗。(backyard breeder最常说的就是:如果你连花钱买狗的钱都不愿意出的话,怎么证明你爱狗。对这种说法我就一个字:呸!)

3. Q:shelter的狗狗是不是都是因为和baby,家庭成员相处不好或者是因为不听话,咬人才被遗弃的?

多数shelter在接受新狗狗的时候会对他做一个行为评估,然后提供给你有关于你将如何来训练狗狗的信息。感谢一些工作人员和志愿者,他们可能会帮助你完成狗狗的house broken和basic obediance的训练。

4. Q:shelter的volunteer或者工作人员可以提供给我哪些信息?

狗狗的历史,来源,吃得如何,大小便如何,身体情况,喜好,行为特点,性格,跟别的狗相处如何,喜欢别的狗吗?喜欢猫吗?喜欢小孩吗?可以off leash吗?


  • What do you know about this dog’s history? Where did he come from? Was he surrendered by a guardian, found as a stray or transferred from another shelter?

  • If he was surrendered by his former guardian, may I see the intake information? Most shelters ask people surrendering an animal to provide detailed information about the pet, including his medical history, likes and dislikes, and behavioral characteristics.

  • Did you conduct a behavior evaluation on this dog? If so, what were the results?

  • What have you noticed about him since he’s been at the shelter? How would you describe his personality and behavior? Does he like other dogs? Does he like children? How is he with cats? Is he easy to walk on a leash? What do the volunteers think of him? Is he affectionate, aloof, calm, energetic, fearful, shy, outgoing…? Ask any and all questions that are relevant to your particular needs

一般来说 ,志愿者都会诚实地回答你的问题。

5. Q:观察感兴趣的狗狗一般来说观察哪些方面呢?

  • Look for signs of friendliness, like pawing, wagging, wiggling, an eager approach and pressing against the front of the kennel.

  • If you have a family with young children or an active lifestyle, you may want to steer clear of dogs who hang back in their kennels, too afraid to greet you or others. Some fearful dogs take a lot of work, may not adapt well to your home and may snap or bite if they feel threatened.

  • If you don’t have children, don’t rule out a dog you’re interested in just because he’s shy. Keep in mind that you’re seeing him in a very stressful environment and that most dogs behave better in a home than they do in a shelter. Perhaps the shy dog just arrived at the shelter and is upset by all the commotion. Ask to visit with him outside of the kennel area so you can get a better idea of who he really is.

  • Like dogs who retreat to the back of their kennel, a dog who’s jumping, barking or spinning like a maniac in his kennel may just be reacting to the stress of shelter life. It’s a good idea to visit with such a dog in a calmer area. While you’re interacting with him, note whether the dog seems calmer and friendlier once out of the kennel area.

  • If a dog freezes, stares at you stiffly, growls or raises his hackles, move on. These are all signs of an unfriendly and possibly aggressive dog.

6. Q:如果我对品种有要求,是不是只能找breeder购买了?

  A: rescue也有针对专门的breed rescue。shelter最常见的是 chihuahua, American pitbull terrier和labrador retriever。别的品种需要经常去逛。breed rescue可以提供机会让你foster一段时间,而且他们对特定的品种更了解。