生 活 点 滴
前一阵dragonlady给大家安利了上海的一个由Common Rare创办的生活美学线下市集,虽然dragonlady活动当天还是在北京吃土,但看了照片后无限向往上海这些洋气到不行的活动。回首翻了翻Common Rare的公众号,发现也是美得一塌糊涂。如果你生活中的每个细节都如此精致,人生又怎会无趣呢。
“Beauty is a form of Genius--is higher, indeed, than Genius, as it needs no explanation. It is one of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in the dark waters of that silver shell we call the moon. It cannot be questioned. It has divine right of sovereignty. It makes princes of those who have it.”
          - oscar wilde
        Traveling can be either super stressful or as smooth as you want. The main factor behind all of it is how well you have prepared beforehand. We have all been there when we realized we forgot to bring our noise canceling earphones and ended up using those horrible static crackling earphones throughout the entire 12-hour flight. Therefore, as a friendly reminder, we sort out a list of 16 indie brand travel essentials for your next trip abroad! Thank us later-
-A R T I S T  A T E L I E R-
Rollerball perfume is definitely one of our travel must-haves. It refreshes your mood and your entire in-flight "ensemble" too.
价格 (Price):$16 USD (约¥110)

-A V A—

Skip the crappy static earphones on the plane and treat yourself to a pair of good quality noise canceling earphones.
价格 (Price):$50 USD (约¥346)

-K I Y O K O-
To those we are brave enough to use a face mask (we mean: sheet masks), we salute you. However, for those who are more on the low-key side, a moisturizer, hand cream and lip balm will do the trick.
价格 (Price):€12.5 (约¥91)

-M U J I-

We usually stay up all night packing our suitcases and end up passing out as soon as we get to our seats. Since we do not want our heads bouncing around and annoying our friendly neighbors, this type of pillow comes in handy every single time! 
价格 (Price):¥200

-H E R S C H E L  S U P P L Y-
We use a carry-on luggage whenever we are on a long-haul flight because we like to be fully prepared just in case we needed anything (swipe down to see what we put in our carry-on!)
价格 (Price):$349 USD (约¥2415)

—C R E P E-

A chunky soft scarf is an alternative for the neck pillow that we just mentioned earlier. We love how it hides our face and still holds our head in place. Plus, it keeps you warm the entire flight!
价格 (Price):¥69

-C O S-
Slip-ons are the way to go when you are at the airport storming pass endless boarding gates. Do not forget to wear some socks with those shoes for the sake of the people sitting next you! 
价格 (Price):$79 USD (约¥546)

-M A T T E R  M A T T E R S-
Having a passport holder saves you a lot of time and unnecessary panic attacks, so do not go through all that drama and just get one already.
价格 (Price):£145 (约¥1217)

-C L U S E-
Are you one of those that press the service button just to ask for the time? or you are with one of those flight attendants who just would not let you take out your phone? Strap on a watch and keep track of the time yourself :) 
价格 (Price):$99 USD (约¥685)

-F O R E S T B O U N D-
If we were to go on a short trip, we would use a duffel bag as an alternative for a carry-on luggage. It fits everything you need and looks just as nice! 
价格 (Price)$99 USD (约¥685)

-P O K E T O-
"可以借我一支笔吗?”是飞机上坐你隔壁的陌生人最有可能会跟你说的一句话 (或是“不好意思,让我去一下厕所”)。厕所那句话是避免不了了,但是笔这边大家就可以各自准备一下吧!

"Can I borrow a pen from you?" or "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom" are probably the most used sentences on a flight. We know you can not ignore your neighbor's request to go to the bathroom, but you can definitely make sure you brought your own pen so you do not have to bother others with that question.
价格 (Price):$15 USD (约¥110)

-A N O T H E R  E S C A P E-
“Another Escape" is a travel magazine that we would take with us and read when we are on the plane. It really gets us excited and hyped to wherever we are going! 
价格 (Price):¥168

-开 了-
Portable chargers will forever be in our travel bags because the worst thing that can happen during your time abroad is having 0 battery on your phone. (No navigation, no google, no instagram...)
价格 (Price):¥128

-N U O R I-
Having a moisturizing hand cream nearby is the same concept of having that lip balm we pointed our earlier. It is just great to have them close and use them on a regular basis. 
价格 (Price):$40.5 USD (约¥280)

-Q U I P-
Whether or not you're on a 10 hour flight or a short flight, you should always bring your own toothbrush and toothpaste. Not only you might need to use them during the flight, it is also better for the environment if you bring your own toiletries too.
价格 (Price):$45 USD (约¥311)

-F U J I F I L M-
We love the feeling of holding an actual picture, and not staring at our phones all the time. So polariod pictures are the best, and you can always keep a couple of pictures in your wallet too. 
价格 (Price):¥467


素食 | 早餐 | 鸡胸肉 | 能量棒 | 开心食物 | 探店
手臂 | 美背 | 腹肌 | 翘臀 | 乳沟 | 减脂 | 游泳
运动服 | 健身房 | 马拉松
生活中减脂 | 旅行中锻炼 | 提高效率
基因 | 意志力 | 胡同 | 冥想 | 送礼 
天然护肤 | 熬夜祛痘