这份题为《美国优先:让美国再度伟大预算蓝图》(America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again)的预算案将削尖国务院、农业部、劳工部预算约20%。
President Trump's proposed federal budget cuts nearly $6 billion from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) despite his promises on the campaign trail that a Trump administration would work to cure diseases.
The Trump plan, which cuts the NIH budget by $5.8 billion, proposes a "major reorganization" of the institutes and centers at NIH to "help focus resources on the highest priority research and training activities."
The document includes eliminating the Fogarty International Center. The center spends $69 billion a year to encourage health research institutes in different countries and the U.S. to work together. It also proposes "consolidating the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality within NIH" in addition to "other consolidations and structural changes across NIH organizations and activities." 
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