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The home button has become one of Apple's most iconic design features. And while some rumours say Apple will ditch the home button (see below) others suggest it's getting a revamp.
According to Bloomberg Technology, the new iPhones will use pressure-sensitive technology from Macbook computers for the home button.

"Current home buttons are switches that physically press into the phone, but the new models will have a pressure-sensitive button that provides feedback to the user via a vibrating haptic sensation rather than a true physical click," explains the site.
"This mechanism is similar to that of the trackpads on the latest MacBook line."
We find it hard to believe that Apple would get rid of the home button. The feature actually pre-dates the iPhone as it was first used on the iPod music players.
Release date
Taking Apple's release date history into account, it's likely we'll see the iPhone 7 officially revealed in September 2016.
按照以往苹果公司推新上市的尿性来看, 我们基本上能确认ipone7会在2016年九月正式上市。
Both the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6 were revealed in September and Apple has no reason to change its strategy.
Notorious leaker Evan Blass claims to have pinned down the release date to Friday September 16 - although he has cited no source for the information.
“大名鼎鼎”的边缘人Evan Blass声称上市时间会是9.16号,周五--不过他自己也找不出什么可靠消息去让这个消息站住脚。

If he is right, the launch event would either take place at the start of the week commencing September 5, or the week commencing September 12.

One fan theory, posted on TechRadar, points to Apple’s next device will being unveiled on September 6.
The theory comes from the fact that Apple is currently offering a “back to school” promotion on its online store which offers free Beats Wireless headphones when buying a Mac, iPad or iPhone.
这说法来源是这样的,现在苹果官网上有一个“返校季”活动,活动内容为只要买任意的Mac, iPad or iPhone产品,他们都会赠送一份无线耳机。
The deal, which has been running since June, ends on September 5, suggesting that Apple has something big planned for the following day.
It's unlikely that Apple's main iPhone 7 will be any easier on the wallet than past variants.
But its launch could see Apple finally change the thing that annoys people most about the iPhone.
Rumours suggest that Apple is planning to ditch its pitifully small 16GB storage option in favour of a more generous 32GB base model.
The current iPhone 6s and 6s Plus lineup offers customers a choice of 16GB, 64GB, or 128GB storage options.
However, supply chain investigations by Kevin Wang, director of market research at respected analyst firm IHS Technology, suggest the iPhone 7 base model will come with 32GB of storage.
然后,据IHS技术公司市场调研和分析部主任Kevin Wang的调查显示,现在的7系列的存储容量为32GB.
If true, we could expect other models with larger storage - 64GB and 128GB most likely - to stick with the £619 and £699 prices.
如果是真的话,那我们就可以期待一下,容量和价格方面的变化啦:64GB 和 128GB 的机子很有可能分别标价是 £619和£699。
While most people expect Apple's next iPhone to be called the iPhone 7, some leaks suggest that Apple may opt for the name "iPhone 6SE" instead.
The rumour comes from German tech news site Apfelpage , which spoke to Chinese supply chain sources who claim to have seen finished packaging and labels with the new name.
The name iPhone 6SE would make sense, given that most of the rumours point to Apple's next iPhone being an iterative update rather than a major design overhaul.
A video obtained by French tech site Nowhereelse.fr that matches up the new iPhone 7 with last year's iPhone 6s flagship.
Dedicated Apple followers will be well aware of the rumours surrounding the next handset. Supposedly it will have a larger camera lens and a USB Type C connection at the bottom that will double up as the new headphone slot.

The model obtained in the video appears to closely match these rumours. There's certainly no 3.5mm headphone port on the base of the handset.

It also has the repositioned antenna on the corners of the handset rather than across the back.
But in terms of size and design, the alleged iPhone 7 looks very similar to the existing iPhone 6s.
Many tech fans felt the design change from the iPhone 5s to the iPhone 6 (and then 6s) was a hugely positive step - praising the thinner body and larger screen.

Another video has emerged online of an iPhone 7 Plus mockup, offering what could be the best look yet at the upcoming smartphone. 
网上还有一段关于iphone7 Plus模型机的视频,说是即将上市智能手机中外观最美的手机。
The mockup, created by Chinese headphone company BeSound, reinforces all the rumours about the major hardware changes coming to the larger 5.5-inch model.
该模型的制作商为中国的耳机公司 Besound, 该模型也证实了所有硬件变化的谣言,也就是说新的一代机子屏幕会变成5.5英寸。
These include the dual lens camera , the missing headphone jack , twin external speakers, more discrete antenna lines , and the inclusion of a Smart Connector.
Moreover, the iPhone 7 Plus mockup comes in a deep metallic blue tone - suggesting the tech giant may be planning to expand its range of colours for the iPhone 7 range.
更有甚者,iphone7 Plus的模型机基色为深蓝调--这也暗示着苹果公司会在7系列手机的颜色上面下点功夫,让我们的可选性更大。
Impressive renders
Designer Martin Hajek has created several impressive 3D renders of what he thinks the iPhone 7 could look like.
其设计者Martin Hajek已经在其他自己对于iPhone7的幻想基础上设计了好几个酷炫的3D宣传效果。
Rather than the traditional Space Grey colour, Hajek has taken the Space Black finish from the Apple Watch and applied it to the phone.
Hajek抛弃了传统的灰色面漆,而是将曾应用于Apple Watch上的漆黑色应用于这款手机上。
His realistic-looking renders also show how many of the iPhone 7 rumours might look if they were implemented in a finished product.

The most persistent of which is that Apple will remove the headphone jack from the new iPhone and use the newer USB-C connection instead. There's more on that below - read on to find out.
Are your expensive headphones about to become obsolete? First mainstream smartphone launches WITHOUT a 3.5mm socket
你那些昂贵的耳机是否会成为过去式? 苹果7将会是第一个取消3.5mm插槽的主流智能手机。
Hajek has added a pair of USB-C capable headphones in one of his shots to illustrate what that may look like.

Similarly, the camera lens has been enlarged to take into account a more powerful sensor and the antenna lines have been moved from across the back to the top and bottom of the phone.

Apple's iPhone 6s may have been a big hit for the technology giant - but it didn't alter much when it came to design.
That could be about to change as many rumours suggest next year's model may drop the iconic home button on the front of the gadget.
One artist, Marek Weidlich, has created an intriguing concept of what that might look like.
艺术家Marek Weidlich也对其可能出现的样子有些概念。

Weidlich has turned the entire front of the futuristic smartphone into a screen - leaving no home button or any visible bezel.
"I focused on simple design language which is very important for Apple," Weidlich said.
"I designed a curved display without a bezel, and equipped with a software home button."
Both Samsung and LG have embraced curvy screens with the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and the LG G Flex 2 respectively.
三星和LG分别在其产品 Galaxy S6 Edge和 LG G Flex 2中应用了弧屏技术。
It's unlikely Apple will follow suit but then the world's most valuable company has frequently had a problem with bending phones.
Apple's last two releases have been with 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch screens. This covers a broad range and the tech giant could decide to keep things as they are.

End of the Home button.
Pictures surfaced recently that appear to show a version of the phone with a completely blank front panel. They seem to suggest that Apple will drop its famous home key in favour of an on-screen button.
Taken in China and obtained by the blog site Apple Insider , the pictures have now been widely circulated around the internet.
该组照片由博主Apple Insider上传至中国媒体,现在已经在网上疯传。
The shady pictures look to be taken quickly and without much thought to lighting or presentation. They show what is allegedly a new iPhone with a very different design.

There is also no evidence of a headphone jack on the bottom of the phone. However, the external speakers on the bottom look similar to previous iPhone models.
On Chinese social media site Weibo, a new picture supposedly showing the back of the iPhone 7 has been doing the rounds.

The main noticeable detail is that the "camera bump" from the iPhone 6s appears to have carried over to the new design.
Dropping the headphone socket
Pictures were obtained by the Taiwanese site Apple Club , which previously published the first schematics showing the protuding iPhone 6 camera lens, before being republished by 9 to 5Mac.
台湾一个名为Apple Club的网站也爆出照片。该网站在9-5 Mac之前就爆出过6的照相机镜头各种电路图。
They appear to confirm rumours that Apple is set to remove the headphone socket from the iPhone 7
If true, this will probably mean anyone who buys the next version of Apple's iPhone will have to use wireless headphones or fork out for a pricey converter.

In January, the usual shadowy "supply chain sources" told a Chinese website that the 3.5 inch headphone jack will not be included on Apple's next mobile.
Recently, these rumours have been fuelled by images of a case for the new phone that apparently show no hole for the headphone wires.
The pictures, spotted by Nowhereelse.fr after they were published on Twitter, seem to support the rumour that Apple will ditch the headphone socket.

There's no hole in the case for where a headphone socket should be - instead there are just spaces for the charging port and speakers.
Of course, there's no way of confirming the legitimacy of the case - but it serves as an interesting indicator for a potentially big design change.
Tech experts reckon that by removing the headphone socket, Apple engineers will be able to shave 1mm off the thickness of the phone.
Meanwhile an insight coming from Deutsche Bank analysts by way of Business Insider , suggests that Apple will include a special adaptor along with the iPhone 7 instead of a pair of headphones.
与此同时,德意志银行精经由商业内幕网发布的分析预告说到,苹果会在苹果7 上面应用一个特殊的适配器,而不是耳机插槽。
Alleged iPhone 7 leak shows exactly how Apple's new gadget measures up against the iPhone 6s
"A Lightning-to-audio dongle included with the iPhone 7 - not a pair of Lightning headphones," reports the tech site.
That would mean instead of plugging your headphones directly into the phone, you have to carry around an adapter with you everywhere you go. Or, use wireless headphones.
Business Insider calls Apple's strategy a "huge risk" and explains the Deutsche Bank information is from a "research note."

Because the new iPhone will likely arrive with Apple's iOS 10 software and an upgraded processor, it will offer even more power and better efficiency.
新的iPhone很有可能会用到苹果的IOS.10 系统,处理器也有所更新,这也就意味着新的手机更好用,更耐用。
Likely to be boasting a processor called the A10 chip, the iPhone 7 will surely boast more power - although it's anyone's guess as to how much this will translate into actual usage.
At the moment, we don't know what kind of battery the iPhone 7 will use - but at least there's now a Low Power Mode built into iOS 9 to help it last even longer. We expect this will continue into an updated version of iOS.
现在,我们还不知道iPhone7 到底会用什么电池,但是至少IOS9内置的一款耗电比较低的模型能够帮助降低手机的耗电率。我们希望这个内存的模型能够在之后更新的IOS系统中持续使用。
According to Korean site ETNews , Apple is currently in discussion with arch-rival Samsung over supplying OLED screens for its next phone.
This would shift the display over from the current LED model to a much more vibrant OLED screen. Such a move would likely make for better colour reproduction for videos and games, but might hamper battery life.
Elsewhere, a leak Italian website from HDblog suggests that Apple's iPhone 7 Plus, which is expected to launch alongside the iPhone 7 this September, will feature a whopping 256GB of storage.
另外,从意大利一个名叫HDblog的网站提供的消息我们可以知道,苹果7plus将会在九月份和苹果7 一起在发布会上面世,7plus最大的一个特征便是其256GB的超大存储容量。
That's double the storage of an entry-level Macbook Air, and would make the iPhone 7 Plus Apple's most high-capacity smartphone yet.
256GB的容量是Macbook Air的两倍,两个产品的基准线已经完全不一样了。这么大的容量也使得7Plus成为苹果家族最具竞争力的产品。
The site shows pictures of a 256GB SanDisk NAND flash memory chip that "could be appropriate for the next generation smartphone", according to MacRumours .

Apple has used SanDisk flash memory chips in a number of previous iPhone models - including the iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus - so it wouldn't be surprising if the two companies decided to link up again for the iPhone 7.
苹果之前的产品上都有使用闪电记忆内存卡,例如iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus --所以,如果这两家公司进行合作,研发果7 的一些功能,也不足为奇。
However, one change could be a huge boon for Apple fans.
A photo claiming to be of the iPhone 7 Plus has surfaced on Chinese website Bastille Post , adding fuel to rumours that the smartphone will feature a dual-lens camera.
The picture shows a protruding, pill-shaped enclosure - which differs from the two separate circular camera openings depicted in some other online renderings.

Meanwhile, a video claiming to show the flagship iPhone 7's transparent case has been uploaded to YouTube by Unbox Therapy , showing a large cut out for the rear camera.
同时,Unbox Therapy在YouTube上上传了一段视频,视频中作者将iPhone7透明化展示,显示出了手机后方相机镜头有明显变小的情况。
The advantage of a dual camera is that it could allow iPhone users to snap SLR quality photos and 3D images on a smartphone.
Last year, Apple bought an Israeli smart camera company called LinX Computational Imaging, which builds smartphone and tablet cameras with sensors that provide depths of field.
去年,苹果收购了以色列一家名为LinX Computational Imaging的智能相机公司,然后计划将智能手机和小照相机通过传感器连在一起,这算是个比较知得琢磨的领域。
The technology also allows for high quality images to be captured in low-light conditions.
Waterproof iPhone

The misery of dropping your iPhone down the toilet could soon be over as the latest rumours suggest Apple's next iPhone could be completely waterproof.
According to a report in the China-based Commercial Times , Apple is working on a new "compound material" that repels water for use in its forthcoming smartphone, which it is thought will be called the iPhone 7.
This new material will also reportedly remove the need for the two strips of plastic that run across the back of the current generation of iPhones to allow mobile signals to reach the antennas.
This suggests that the body of the next iPhone may not be made from metal at all, but some other kind of material that allows radio waves to pass through it.
Industrial designer Herman Haidin has taken a stab at predicting the next version of Apple's handset and reckons the American tech giant could use a material known as 'liquidmetal'.
设计师Herman Haidin尝试着预测了下一版苹果手机的各种,估摸着美国苹果公司会使用一种名为“液体金属”的材料。

Apple acquired a patent for liquidmetal back in 2010 and uses it to make the small SIM ejector tool that comes in each iPhone box.
The material itself is a type of alloy that's tougher and more water-resistant than typical aluminium.
In the concept, Haidin envisions the iPhone 7 as a mere 3mm thick with a body formed of glass and liquidmetal

