1. 里约开幕式

After months of planning, hundreds of headlines and years of training for the world's top athletes, the Rio 2016 Olympic Games are finally here.


Friday's opening ceremony was a flamboyant feast of Brazilian culture -- if there's one country that knows how to party, it's Brazil. 
  • adj. 艳丽的;火焰似的;炫耀的
  • n. 凤凰木
国际奥委会主席Thomas Bach paid在在开幕词中为难民们做了特别的演讲,也强调了在这样一个冲突不断的时期举办这一场奥运会的不易和必要。
"We are living in a world of crisis, mistrust and uncertainty. Here is our Olympic answer – over 10,000 athletes of the world, living together in one Olympic village, sharing their meals and emotions. In this Olympic world, there is one universal law for everybody…we are all equal. The values of our shared humanity are stronger than the forces which want to divide us."
"With the greatest respect, we welcome the refugee Olympic team. You are sending a message of hope to the millions of refugees around the world. You had to flee from your homes because of violence, hunger, or just because you are different."
"Now, with your talent and spirit, you are making a great contribution to society. In this Olympic world, we do not just tolerate diversity, we welcome you as an enrichment to our unity in diversity."
2. 霍顿称孙杨为“drug cheat”

Chinese swimming officials have demanded an apology after Australian Olympic gold medallist Mack Horton called defending champion Sun Yang a "drug cheat".
Tension between the swimming rivals had been simmering in the lead up to the men's 400m freestyle final in Rio.
Horton said earlier this week he had no "time or respect for drug cheats".
Sun served a three-month suspension in 2014 for testing positive for a banned substance but was cleared to compete.
His fans have also been posting a wave of abusive comments to Horton's social media accounts.
3. 拔火罐
A number of Olympians - including the most decorated Olympic athlete of all time, Michael Phelps - have been photographed with large red circles on their skin.
What are they, and why is everyone suddenly going dotty over them?
The mark of an Olympic athlete, at least at Rio 2016, seems to be a scattering of perfectly round bruises. Swimmers and gymnasts, particularly from Team USA, are among those seen sporting the mysterious dots.
No, not paintballing misadventures or love bites - they are the result of a practice known as "cupping"; an ancient therapy where heated cups are placed on the skin.
So how is 'cupping' done?
Why are some Olympians using it?
Does it actually work?
Who else does this?
Doesn't it hurt?
So what does it feel like?
How did it start?
  • n. 拔火罐;杯吸法
  • v. 用杯盛;使成杯状(cup的ing形式)
4. 普京接待土耳其总理
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in the Russian city of St. Petersburg for a face-to-face meeting with his counterpart, Vladimir Putin.
土耳其总理Recep Tayyip Erdogan在俄罗斯圣彼得堡面见了俄罗斯总统普京——一个和他极为相似的人物。
It's the first time the two leaders have met since Turkish interceptors blasted a Russian warplane out of the skies over Syria in November.
The incident, in which one of the air crew was killed as he parachuted from the aircraft, provoked a diplomatic firestorm, with a furious Kremlin vowing retribution.
"Today's loss for us was like a stab in the back delivered by the accomplices of terrorists," President Putin said on state television at the time.
"It will have serious consequences for Russia's relations with Turkey, " he promised.
  • n. 副本;配对物;极相似的人或物
5. 观众指责神夏主创人员把两位主角写成gay

The creators of Sherlock, the popular TV series starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, have come under fire from social justice warriors. 
The show’s main creators, Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, have refused to ship its two main characters, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, into a gay romance.
这部剧的主创 Mark Gatiss和Steven Moffat拒绝把他的两位主角写成gay。
The entire phenomenon rose on Tumblr and Twitter, where a large number of Sherlock fans came up with a hackneyed theory that the intent of its creators was to transform Holmes and Watson into homosexual partners.
Speaking at the recent San Diego Comic-Con, the showrunners Moffat and Gatiss repudiated the theory. While answering questions about how to address minority representation in shows like Doctor Who, which Moffat also showruns, Moffat said that it is important in his shows to not come across as “campaigning” for homosexuality and simply present it as a normal fact of life.
  • adj. 陈腐的;平庸的
  • v. 出租(马匹、马车等);役使(hackney的过去式)
6. 菲尔普斯被迷弟打败
Michael Phelps won a silver medal in the 100M butterfly at the Rio Games on Friday, in what may have been his final individual Olympic race.
Phelps has won four gold medals at these Olympics, winning the 200M individual medley on Thursday and the men’s 4x100 meter relay, men’s 200 meter butterfly, and 4x200 meter freestyle relay earlier this week.菲尔普斯在本届奥运会中已获得4枚金牌,有200米个人混合泳,男子4*100接力赛,男子200米蝶泳,以及4*200米自由接力赛。
Phelps will race in the medley relay on Saturday, which could be his last Olympic race.
Phelps has said he will retire after the Rio Games, but teammate Ryan Lochte suggested otherwise on Friday.
菲尔普斯说过里约奥运会之后他将退役,但是他的队友Ryan Lochte在周五提出了不同的说法。
  • n. 混合;混杂;混合物
  • adj. 混合的;拼凑的
  • n. (Medley)人名;(葡)梅德莱;(英、西)梅德利
