
North Korean workers are being given a methamphetamine-based drug in the hope it will speed up a major construction project, according to reports. 
Project managers in the city's capital of Pyongyang are said to be under so much pressure to finish the job on time that they have resorted to openly providing builders with the drug. 
Nicknamed "ice," it is a form of the powerful stimulant methamphetamine, which is also known as crystal meth
When snorted or inhaled, crystal meth gives users a sense of euphoria, increased energy levels and a suppressed appetite. The effects can last up to 12 hours. 
Hundreds of thousands of North Korean citizens have been roped in to finish the project, which consists of a 70-floor skyscraper and more than 60 apartment blocks.
It was approved earlier this year by North Korean leader Kim Jong-unin defiance of tough sanctions placed on the hermit state over its nuclear weapons tests.
“Project managers are now openly providing drugs to construction workers so that they will work faster,” a construction source in Pyongyang told Radio Free Asia.
“现在项目经理公开的向工人们提供兴奋药,以便加快本项目进程。” 有建筑工地上的可靠信息向自由亚洲报道称。
"[They] are undergoing terrible sufferings in their work."
Human rights workers in Asia said the working conditions amounted to slave labour and urged the UN to take further action against Kim Jong-un.
Phil Robertson, Asia director for Human Rights Watch, said: “It’s going to be hard to verify that this is happening, but if it is confirmed then we utterly condemned it.
亚洲人权观察组织的主任Phil Robertson表示,“事实取证十分困难,但是一旦发现本事件属实,那我们将强烈谴责这种行为!”
“The real issue here is slave labour, and our immediate reaction to this was that if they want faster workers why not actually pay them, instead of resorting to giving them drugs?  ”
“The North Korean government wants to finish these buildings to somehow prove that they are a developed country. But this kind of forced labour has been unilaterally condemned by the international community."
Mr Robertson added: "It is a throwback to the Second World War when governments regularly resorted to forcing labour of their citizens."
North Korea has been producing methamphetamine to increase its funds since the 1970s.
It was  was initially sold as a medicine, but quickly became a hugely popular drug. 
It is produced in state-run facilities by underpaid chemists and sold both domestically and internationally. 
As the production and sale of opium declined in the early 2000s, methamphetamine became even more widespread. 
What is methamphetamine? 何为冰毒?
Part of the amphetamine family of stimulant drugs, it is also known as Crystal Meth or Ice. It gives an intense high, followed by a severe comedown and is highly addictive.
What effects does it have? 冰毒的效用?
It makes users feel very up, exhilarated, alert and awake. It can also make you feel agitated, paranoid, confused and aggressive.
What are the risks?冰毒的危害?
Increased heart rate and blood pressure, raising the risk of heart attack
Evidence of brain damage with long-term use Severe psychoses Overdoses can cause strokes, and lung, kidney and gastrointestinal damage
Is it illegal?冰毒是否合法?
It is a Class A drug in the UK, so it is illegal to have for yourself, give away or sell. Possession can get you up to seven years in jail and/or an unlimited fine. Supplying can get you up to life imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.
在英国,冰毒是A类毒品,任何吸食、送人、售卖等动作均为违法行为。 对于非法窝藏冰毒的公民,将面临七年监禁,无限额罚款的处罚;销售冰毒将被处以终身监禁或无限额罚款。

鸦片 opium 
海洛因 heroin 
吗啡 morphia 
那可汀 narcotine 
安非他明 amphetamine 
兴奋剂 pep pill
摇头丸 MDMA
中枢神经抑制剂 : 
中枢神经兴奋剂 : 
如古柯叶(coca leaves)、古柯咸/可卡因(cocaine)、快克(crack)等。 
中枢神经迷幻剂 : 
如大麻(marijuana)、大麻脂(hashish)、大麻油(hashish oil)等 
如美沙峒(methadone)、潘他挫新(pentazocine, 俗称速赐康)等 
中枢神经镇静剂 : 
pot 大麻
cocaine 可卡因
meth 兴奋剂
pcp 五氯粉
lsd 摇头丸
speed 甲基苯异丙胺(兴奋剂)
weed 大麻
methadone 美沙酮
mescaline 三甲氧苯乙胺,酶斯卡灵
amphetamine 安非他明
ketamine 克他明
ecstasy 即MDMA,迷药
stimulant 激素
sedative 镇静剂
caffeine 咖啡因
nicotine 尼古丁
ghb γ-羟基丁丙酯
diazepam 地西泮;安定;苯甲二氮
lorazepam 罗拉西泮(抗焦虑剂)
