A black cat named Batman has become a kind of internet star after the four-eared feline was found at a Pennsylvania animal shelter.
  • adj. 猫科的;猫一样的;狡猾的
  • n. 猫科动物
  • n. (Feline)人名;(法)弗利纳
“Just when you think you’ve seen it all, a four-eared cat comes in the door!” Hala Nuemah, managing director of the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society, said in a Facebook post that showcased the 3-year-old cat.
“当你觉得自己已经够活久见了,结果一只四耳猫又来给你涨姿势。”Western Pennsylvania Humane Society的总经理Hala Nuemah在facebook上发了这只3岁猫的照片如是说。
  • n. 陈列橱,[家具] 陈列柜;显示优点的东西
  • vt. 使展现;在玻璃橱窗陈列
Batman’s second set of ears is said to be the result of a genetic mutation. The condition has been documented since at least 1936, when a four-eared cat named Toots was found in Ashtabula, Ohio, according to the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society.
Western Pennsylvania Humane Society所说,蝙蝠侠的第二双耳朵是因为基因突变造成的。这种情况在1936年也有记载,那是一只来自俄亥俄州阿什塔比拉的一只叫Toots的四耳猫。
  • n. [遗] 突变;变化;元音变化
“The mutation has been studied and is argued to be a recessive gene mutation needed from both parents in order to produce four ears,” the shelter posted on Facebook, where they were bombarded with inquiries on adopting him.
recessive gene:
  • [遗] 隐性基因
Batman initially came into the shelter with an upper respiratory infection, which delayed adoption applications. But he recovered soon after, giving the shelter a green light to find him a new home.
respiratory:[rɪ'spaɪərətrɪ; 'respɪrətrɪ]
  • adj. 呼吸的
Just hours after that news was announced, a humane society spokeswoman told ABC News that a family eagerly swept him up.
sweep up
  • 大扫除;收拾干净
sweep sb. up:拥抱
“A young girl and her mother decided to take Batman into their home,” Caitlin Lasky said. “It was fitting because the little girl liked superheroes.”
“一个小女孩和她母亲决定领养蝙蝠侠,这再适合不过了,因为这个小女孩迷恋超级英雄”,Caitlin Lasky说道。
The shelter expressed hope that news of Batman’s adoption would bring awareness of the many other equally special cats and dogs in need of a home.
