
[聚关注]苹果:别眨眼!Don't blink! 网友神吐槽耳机设计!

苹果正式发布iPhone7/Plus两款手机新品以及第二代Apple Watch。发布会结束后苹果官方放出名为“别眨眼”Don't Blink的宣传短片。

视频从苹果CEO蒂姆库克在前往发布会的车上唱歌开始,直接过渡到iPhone7/Plus的发布。iPhone7系列新增两个配色:黑色和亮黑色,搭载最新A10处理器,拥有全新触摸式Home按键,双立体声扬声器,升级版Retina显示屏,iPhone史上续航最为持久的电池以及全新1200万像素摄像头,在低光下拍摄效果优秀,7 Plus拥有双后置摄像头。


随后,视频介绍了第二代Apple Watch,名为Apple Watch Series 2,该设备拥有防水设计,内置GPS,采用全新S2处理器,推出更多表带,新增与Nike耐克合作的Nike+特别款,新增一个陶瓷材质表盘。屏幕亮度提升最高亮度达到1000尼特。

这一切之后,网友Amanda Rosenberg神吐槽新耳机设计。

Yeah We Removed The Headphone Jack. The Fuck You Going To Do About It?

Hello World. It’s us, Apple. You crying because we took away your headphone jack? Pshhh, grow up. Do you know how innovative you have to be to remove a headphone jack? Very fucking innovative is the answer to that question. People don’t realize how much courage it took to make that decision. Sitting in meetings where people would say “people want better chargers” and “the chargers are shitty” and “we should just make better chargers” and to have the bravery to say “no, let’s remove the headphone jack”. That takes some goddamn brave balls right there. And now look at us now. At the forefront of technology. With these fucking awesome AirPods. Beautifully designed white sticks that’ll make you look like your ears bleed cum. Sure, they’re easy to lose but we’ve come up with an ingenious solution for that, we call it Buy Another Pair, Idiot. Can’t believe there’s so much fuss over a headphone jack. If we had more time we would have removed so much other shit. We were going to take away the home button and replace it with Forehead TouchID so that every time you wanted to go back, you’d have to tap the screen to your forehead. CAN’T YOU SEE HOW FUCKING COURAGEOUS THAT IS? Probably not, because you’re not Apple, you’re person. Now stop whining and buy this goddamn phone and these goddamn white bluetooth-headset-looking motherfuckers, because what’s your alternative? Any other phone? LMAO. Buy it you fucks.


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