USF Analytics
关于USF Analytics项目的文章发出后,收到了大家关于项目的很多提问,下面就让我们来看看USF Analytics的Director是如何回复大家的提问的。
从2016年起新增一门 Application Development for Data Science,主要涉及数据产品相关软件的设计与开发。Intro. to SAS将取消,Director说过去几届学生找工作基本没有用到SAS。Machine Learning的课程将延长。
It is ultimately the responsibility of the student to find employment, but our faculty is very involved in helping students find jobs. All students take our Interview Skills course, which helps them prepare. Students also benefit from recruiters offering their services to our program, our career services department, and endless networking opportunities at our weekly Seminar Series and other events in the city.
Sometimes, but not necessarily. Students who are now working as data scientists come from a variety of backgrounds including philosophy, economics, literature, mathematics, computer science, etc.
备注:DS=Data Scientist
Our program is very technical and fast-paced, and our students work with some of the most exciting companies in the world on practicum projects. Also, our practicums run for 9 months out of the year, compared to other programs whose internships or capstone projects only last for a few months. Finally, San Francisco is an amazing place to work, study, and meet people in the industry working on groundbreaking projects.
Students need to be very motivated and ready to work hard – the program is very technical and requires a large amount of work outside of class. Be prepared to spend a large amount of time with your classmates and professors, and don’t hesitate to ask for help!
作者:Niko 编辑:暴暴

