下面是美国国土安全局DHS对OPT Extension问题的回信:
谢谢您的来信。我们美国国土安全局(DHS)学术办公室在这里代表美国国土安全局学术咨询理事会和R. Bowen Loftin 很乐意回应您对国际学生和监管政策的变化的咨询。我们很感谢您的关注和深思熟虑的意见;我们将把它们提供给理事会。
先提一下背景,国际学生问题是理事会的侧重点之一。例如,安理会提出了扩大OPT Extension资格的建议, 从而使以前的课程也能成为资格(请参见HSAAC的建议纲要)。
理事决定于2015年10月召开下一次公开会议。在会议前,我们会发布联邦注册公告(Federal Register notice)来正式宣布本次会议的日程。作为一个联邦咨询委员会,所有理事会会议都是向公众开放的,同时我们也欢迎大家的参与。此外,在联邦注册公告上会有征询公众意见的流程,同时每个理事会会议上也会设置公众发言的时间。我们建议您关注联邦注册公告会议的10月公告。
如果您的问题涉及到具体的国际学生的政策,比如关于OPT,请向我们美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)学生和交流访问者项目(SEVP)的同事咨询。您可以通过电子邮件来联系SEVP。他们的邮件是:[email protected]或致电(703)603-3400。技术支持中心的工作时间是工作日东部时间上午8点至下午8点,节假日除外 。如果您想要获取更多信息,请访问我们为国际学生提供信息的网站:"Study in the States"。 这个网站是由SEVP管理的。
您也可以在这里获得更多有关理事会的信息。如果您想要知道更多关于DHS对学术界做出努力的详细信息,请访问我们网站上学术参与总览(Academic Engagement Overview)页面,并订阅我们的免费GovDelivery更新消息的邮件。
Thank you for your e-mail. On behalf of the Homeland Security Academic
Advisory Council and Dr. R. Bowen Loftin, the U.S Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Academic Engagement is pleased to respond to your inquiry related to international students and regulatory changes. We
appreciate your interest and thoughtful comments; we will provide them to
the Council.

By way of background, international student issues are an area of focus for
the Council. For example, the Council issued a recommendation to expand
eligibility for a STEM extension of OPT to allow a prior course of study to
establish eligibility (please see the HSAAC Compendium of Recommendations).

The Council is scheduled to convene its next public meeting in October 2015.Prior to the meeting, we will publish a Federal Register notice to announce the meeting. As a federal advisory committee, all Council meetings are open to the public and we welcome public participation. Additionally, there is a public comment process outlined within the Federal Register Notice and time is allotted at each Council meeting for additional public comments. We encourage you to monitor the Federal Register for the October meeting announcement.

If you would like to submit additional written comments in connection to the
Council’s upcoming meeting, the upcoming Federal Register notice will
contain instructions for doing so; please watch for the notice.

Questions related to specific international student policies, including
Optional Practical Training, can be directed to our colleagues at the U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP). You can contact SEVP through its Response Center via email at [email protected] or by phone at (703) 603-3400. The Response Center operates between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. ET on weekdays, except holidays. For additional information, please visit the Study in the States website, the Department’s information hub for international students, which SEVP manages.

You can learn more about the Council here. For more information on the
Department’s overall efforts to engage with the academic community, visit
our Academic Engagement Overview page and sign up to receive our free e-mail updates through GovDelivery.


DHS Office of Academic Engagement